Wanda Ware DeGidio
wwdegidio@gmail.com www.hallfamilyname.com
Wanda Ware DeGidio
wwdegidio@gmail.com www.hallfamilyname.com
John of Damascus seems to have made the argument for Luke’s genealogy following Mary’s descent. According to ancient tradition, Mary’s parents were Joachim and Anna of the Tribe of Levi, and Joseph, son of Jacob and Mary, was of the Tribe of Judah. Jesus had younger brothers and sisters according to: Matthew 13:55-56; Mark 3:31-32; Galatians 1:19. King Herod wed Salome, a sister of Mother Mary, therefore, King Herod and Salome were close family to Jesus. Mary’s sister Anne wed Joachim ben Levi, her sister Elizabeth wed Zachariah ben Levi (parents of John the Baptist), and her sister Dina wed Zadok ben Levi. Joachim and Zachariah, were first cousins.
Following the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Joseph, a carpenter, is told by an angel in a dream to take the family to Egypt for work. Joseph was the nephew of King Herod the Great who was king of Judea from 37-4 BC, he was from the Tribe of Judah as well. King Herod was appointed ruler by the Roman Empire after its Senate equipped him with an army to fight off a Parthian invasion. Herod had been ruler of the Roman province of Judea and prior to the invasion he had been governor of Galilee since 47 BCE. Herod was a Roman Jewish client king of the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and is known for his colossal building of Bethlehem.
Joseph, by that time a well-respected carpenter, designer and builder, assisted his uncle King Herod in rebuilding Bethlehem. Joseph had been trained by his uncle Judas, brother of Mary, for many years who was also a well-respected carpenter and builder. After living with his wife’s parents for about 2 years, Joseph moved to Bethlehem to work and live there with Mary. Prior to moving to Bethlehem, Joseph was made to join the Roman army before being allowed to return to Nazareth at age 21. Joseph and Mary met when she was 17 and married at 18, having lived together as man and wife for 3 years prior to going into the Roman Army.
Herod's reign over Judea is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. After the birth of Jesus, a group of magi from the East visited Herod to inquire the whereabouts of "the one having been born king of the Jews", because they had seen his star rising in the east and therefore wanted to pay him homage. Herod, as King of the Jews, was excited at the prospect of his birth. Herod assembled the chief priests and scribes of the people and asked them where the "Anointed One" was to be born. They answered, in Bethlehem, citing Micah 5:2.
Herod sent the magi to Bethlehem, instructing them to search for the child and, after they had found him, to "report to me, so that I too may go and worship him". Herod never intended to cause harm to Jesus, nor was Joseph warned in a dream that Heron intended to kill Jesus, nor did King Herod give orders to kill all boys under the age of two. Most modern biographers of Herod, and some biblical scholars, dismiss Matthew’s story.
Contemporary non-biblical sources, including Josephus and the surviving writings of Nicolaus of Damascus (who knew Herod personally), provide no corroboration for Matthew's account of the massacre, and it is not mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Classical historian Michael Grant states "the tale is not history but myth or folk-lore", while Peter Richardson notes that the story's absence from the Gospel of Luke and the accounts of Josephus "works against the account's accuracy". Not to mention the myth that Herod murdered his own sons.
The Tribe of Levi in the Bible or Torah is part of the 12 tribes of Israel that descended from the family line Levi. Levi was a descendant of Jacob (Israel) who is the son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity also hold Levi as a prominent member of their religions. The book of Genesis tells us the fourth of the six sons of Jacob and Leah were the founder of the Tribe of Judah of the Israelites, and is indirectly the eponym of the Kingdom of Judah in the land of Judea and the word Jew and according to the narrative in Genesis Judah alongside Tamar is a patrilineal ancestor of the ancestor of the Davidic line. According to Christian narrative he was the ancestor of Jesus (Yeshua).
Antenor IV, King, 63 AD. He reigned in the right of Vespasian. According to the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, on-line under the title: Descendants of Yeshua Ben Yossef - Prieure de Sion is translated as Priory of Sion. Anthenor VI was married about 53 AD to Sarah Tamar (meaning palm tree), born September, 33 AD, daughter of Yeshuah Ben Yossef [Jesus] and Mariamne [Mary] of Magdala on the Sea of Galilee, Mary was the daughter of Cyrus of Magdala, King of the Benjamite Tribe who was killed by Herod. In the Gospel of Philip 63:32-64:10, Mary is described as the "companion" of Jesus, but the word for companion is also used for wife. It also states that Jesus [... loved] Mary Magdalene more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [lips]. The rest of [the disciples...] said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?"].
A 35 AD leather-bound text known as the “Gospel of Barnabas” and in the “lost gospel” kept in Turkey, we learn Jesus was not crucified, but rather it was Judas. After the switch, Jesus was taken to safety according to the information written by Barnabas, His disciple. Documents show Jesus was held overnight in the High Priest Caiaphas' house and later arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and taken to Caiaphas for trial at night. He was later taken to King Herod, Joseph’s uncle, and from there to the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. As Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas the high priest, the elders and the scribes assembled, the council sought false testimony against Jesus and the following morning Judas was bound and led away to the Romans for execution.
Following the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Joseph, a carpenter, is told by an angel in a dream to take the family to Egypt for work. Joseph was the nephew of King Herod the Great who was king of Judea from 37-4 BC, he was from the Tribe of Judah as well. King Herod was appointed ruler by the Roman Empire after its Senate equipped him with an army to fight off a Parthian invasion. Herod had been ruler of the Roman province of Judea and prior to the invasion he had been governor of Galilee since 47 BCE. Herod was a Roman Jewish client king of the Herodian Kingdom of Judea and is known for his colossal building of Bethlehem.
Joseph, by that time a well-respected carpenter, designer and builder, assisted his uncle King Herod in rebuilding Bethlehem. Joseph had been trained by his uncle Judas, brother of Mary, for many years who was also a well-respected carpenter and builder. After living with his wife’s parents for about 2 years, Joseph moved to Bethlehem to work and live there with Mary. Prior to moving to Bethlehem, Joseph was made to join the Roman army before being allowed to return to Nazareth at age 21. Joseph and Mary met when she was 17 and married at 18, having lived together as man and wife for 3 years prior to going into the Roman Army.
Herod's reign over Judea is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. After the birth of Jesus, a group of magi from the East visited Herod to inquire the whereabouts of "the one having been born king of the Jews", because they had seen his star rising in the east and therefore wanted to pay him homage. Herod, as King of the Jews, was excited at the prospect of his birth. Herod assembled the chief priests and scribes of the people and asked them where the "Anointed One" was to be born. They answered, in Bethlehem, citing Micah 5:2.
Herod sent the magi to Bethlehem, instructing them to search for the child and, after they had found him, to "report to me, so that I too may go and worship him". Herod never intended to cause harm to Jesus, nor was Joseph warned in a dream that Heron intended to kill Jesus, nor did King Herod give orders to kill all boys under the age of two. Most modern biographers of Herod, and some biblical scholars, dismiss Matthew’s story.
Contemporary non-biblical sources, including Josephus and the surviving writings of Nicolaus of Damascus (who knew Herod personally), provide no corroboration for Matthew's account of the massacre, and it is not mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Classical historian Michael Grant states "the tale is not history but myth or folk-lore", while Peter Richardson notes that the story's absence from the Gospel of Luke and the accounts of Josephus "works against the account's accuracy". Not to mention the myth that Herod murdered his own sons.
The Tribe of Levi in the Bible or Torah is part of the 12 tribes of Israel that descended from the family line Levi. Levi was a descendant of Jacob (Israel) who is the son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity also hold Levi as a prominent member of their religions. The book of Genesis tells us the fourth of the six sons of Jacob and Leah were the founder of the Tribe of Judah of the Israelites, and is indirectly the eponym of the Kingdom of Judah in the land of Judea and the word Jew and according to the narrative in Genesis Judah alongside Tamar is a patrilineal ancestor of the ancestor of the Davidic line. According to Christian narrative he was the ancestor of Jesus (Yeshua).
Antenor IV, King, 63 AD. He reigned in the right of Vespasian. According to the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, on-line under the title: Descendants of Yeshua Ben Yossef - Prieure de Sion is translated as Priory of Sion. Anthenor VI was married about 53 AD to Sarah Tamar (meaning palm tree), born September, 33 AD, daughter of Yeshuah Ben Yossef [Jesus] and Mariamne [Mary] of Magdala on the Sea of Galilee, Mary was the daughter of Cyrus of Magdala, King of the Benjamite Tribe who was killed by Herod. In the Gospel of Philip 63:32-64:10, Mary is described as the "companion" of Jesus, but the word for companion is also used for wife. It also states that Jesus [... loved] Mary Magdalene more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [lips]. The rest of [the disciples...] said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?"].
A 35 AD leather-bound text known as the “Gospel of Barnabas” and in the “lost gospel” kept in Turkey, we learn Jesus was not crucified, but rather it was Judas. After the switch, Jesus was taken to safety according to the information written by Barnabas, His disciple. Documents show Jesus was held overnight in the High Priest Caiaphas' house and later arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and taken to Caiaphas for trial at night. He was later taken to King Herod, Joseph’s uncle, and from there to the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate. As Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas the high priest, the elders and the scribes assembled, the council sought false testimony against Jesus and the following morning Judas was bound and led away to the Romans for execution.
Joseph ben Judah (Judah Tribe) Archangel Michael and Mother Mary / Archangel Suzanne / Goddess Hermera (Levi Tribe) Children:
1. Jesus ben Judah - Jesus-Hebrew, Yeshua-Greek, Joshua-English.
2. Jude - Mark 6:3. Isn't this the carpenter? Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?” Epistle of Jude by Jude, states," Jude ... the brother of James”.
3. Joseph ben Judah - See Jude above.
4. Judas ben Judah -"Sending Paul, Barnabas, Judas, and Silas with news of the council’s decision" (Acts 15:22-35).
5. Mark /John ben Judah "Mark the cousin of Barnabas" Colossians 4:10.
6. James ben Judah - See Jude above.
7. Peter / Simon ben Judah - See Jude above
8. David ben Judah
9. Judah ben Judah
10. Julius ben Judah
Joachim ben Levi and Anne bat-el Levi (Tribe of Levi) Children:
1. Julius ben Levi
2. Simon ben Levi
3. Bartholomew ben Levi
4. John ben Levi
5. Thomas ben Levi
6. Judas ben Levi
7. Jude ben Levi
8. James ben Levi
9. Judah ben Levi
10. Josiah ben Levi
Chaos - A disordered formless mass from which the cosmos produced the ordered universe. Creator Ether, (C2H6) Diethyl Ether, was darkness and God to the upper sky and of the night. Hemera was created next after God said let there be light, she was Source, sunlight, heat and the Goddess of the daytime. Diethyl Ether is a flammable liquid and an explosive hazard when exposed to heat. A chemical reaction occurred from which came the big bang.
The Creator God Ether, (C2H6) Diethyl Ether was God to the upper sky and the nighttime, was also the divine father. His consort, Hemera (Day) was Source, sunlight, heat and the Creator Goddess of the daytime. She was also the divine mother.
Gaia (mother earth) created Uranus her husband, she was also the consort of Archangel Heylel, he was also the divine Father. With Uranus she had the following Titans according to Hesiod: Tethys, Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Poseidon, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Cronus. Gaia referred to the Sun God Heylel as, “the love of her life” and God referred to him as the “shining one” or “light bearer” in Hebrew, and He said he was “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty … You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created” (Ezekiel 28:12, 15) ... created by God to be perfect. flawless, brilliant and beautiful. In Greek mythology, Heylel created the infernal regions of the lower dimensions, and as a warden he contained God’s enemies, keeping darkness from overtaking the light. Heylel is one of the personified elements of the world, along with Gaea and others. Heylel and Gaia had many sons and daughters.
Titan Olympian God Cronus, son of Gaia and Uranus, was the God of time, and the consort of Titan Olympian Goddess Rhea, his sister. Rhea was the Goddess of fertility, motherhood and generations. Rhea was the mother of the 5 eldest Olympian Gods: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and Zeus, as well as Hades, king of the underworld, eldest son of Cronus and Rhea. Titan Olympian God Oceanus, was the God who regulated heavenly bodies, fresh water, rivers, wells and rain, and was the son of Gaia and Uranus and was the consort of his sister Tethys, Goddess of the primal font of fresh water. Tethys was a mother of three thousand river Gods and three thousand Oceanids or water nymphs.
Poseidon, God of the sea, created Poseidonis (later Atlantis) the Garden of Eden in order to have alternate zones of land and sea, two of land and three of water, in a rotund shape around the heart of Poseidonis. This allowed animals and plants to thrive, providing a wide variety of food sources. Then he brought forth two different springs of water, one of cold and one of heat from the hill in the center. His symbols were: Trident, Fish, Dolphin, Horse and Bull. He was also God of earthquakes, storms and horses and the father of the Merpeople and the Romans called him Neptune. Poseidon married Clymene, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, and his first cousin. Clymene was Goddess of renown, fame and infamy. Their children were Theseus, Triton, Rhodos, Benthesikyme, Arion, Despoina, Orion, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Atlas, Pegasus, Chrysaor, Kymopoleia, Bellerophon, and various others.
The Creator God Ether, (C2H6) Diethyl Ether was God to the upper sky and the nighttime, was also the divine father. His consort, Hemera (Day) was Source, sunlight, heat and the Creator Goddess of the daytime. She was also the divine mother.
Gaia (mother earth) created Uranus her husband, she was also the consort of Archangel Heylel, he was also the divine Father. With Uranus she had the following Titans according to Hesiod: Tethys, Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Poseidon, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe and Cronus. Gaia referred to the Sun God Heylel as, “the love of her life” and God referred to him as the “shining one” or “light bearer” in Hebrew, and He said he was “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty … You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created” (Ezekiel 28:12, 15) ... created by God to be perfect. flawless, brilliant and beautiful. In Greek mythology, Heylel created the infernal regions of the lower dimensions, and as a warden he contained God’s enemies, keeping darkness from overtaking the light. Heylel is one of the personified elements of the world, along with Gaea and others. Heylel and Gaia had many sons and daughters.
Titan Olympian God Cronus, son of Gaia and Uranus, was the God of time, and the consort of Titan Olympian Goddess Rhea, his sister. Rhea was the Goddess of fertility, motherhood and generations. Rhea was the mother of the 5 eldest Olympian Gods: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, and Zeus, as well as Hades, king of the underworld, eldest son of Cronus and Rhea. Titan Olympian God Oceanus, was the God who regulated heavenly bodies, fresh water, rivers, wells and rain, and was the son of Gaia and Uranus and was the consort of his sister Tethys, Goddess of the primal font of fresh water. Tethys was a mother of three thousand river Gods and three thousand Oceanids or water nymphs.
Poseidon, God of the sea, created Poseidonis (later Atlantis) the Garden of Eden in order to have alternate zones of land and sea, two of land and three of water, in a rotund shape around the heart of Poseidonis. This allowed animals and plants to thrive, providing a wide variety of food sources. Then he brought forth two different springs of water, one of cold and one of heat from the hill in the center. His symbols were: Trident, Fish, Dolphin, Horse and Bull. He was also God of earthquakes, storms and horses and the father of the Merpeople and the Romans called him Neptune. Poseidon married Clymene, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, and his first cousin. Clymene was Goddess of renown, fame and infamy. Their children were Theseus, Triton, Rhodos, Benthesikyme, Arion, Despoina, Orion, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Atlas, Pegasus, Chrysaor, Kymopoleia, Bellerophon, and various others.
TITANS - Hesiod states the Titan offspring of Uranus and Gaia were Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Poseidon (father of Atlas), Theia, Rhea, Themis, Tethys, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Cronus (father of Zeus one of the Titan Olympian gods). Eight of the Titan brothers and sisters married one another: Oceanus and Tethys, Coeus and Phoebe, Hyperion and Theia, and Cronus and Rhea. The two others married outside the family. Poseidon married his niece Clymene, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and Crius married his half-sister Eurybia, daughter of Gaia and Pontus. The other two Titan sisters, Themis and Mnemosyne, wed their nephew Zeus. From Oceanus and Tethys came river gods which encircled the entire world, and Oceanid nymphs. From Coeus and Phoebe came Leto, another wife of Zeus, and Asteria. From Crius and Eurybia came Astraeus, Pallas and Perses. From Hyperion and Theia came the celestial Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon), and Eos (Dawn). From Poseidon and Clymene came Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. From Cronus and Rhea came the Olympians: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. By Zeus, Themis bore the three Hours, and the three Fates, and Mnemosyne bore the nine Muses. Some descendants of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys, Cronus and Rhea, Themis, and Mnemosyne are not Titans, however, Leto, Helios, Atlas, and Prometheus, at times are referred to as Titans. Atlas, son of Poseidon, plays a role in the Greek heroes: Hercules and Perseus. He became identified with the Atlas Mountains in Africa and was the first King of Morocco. Atlas was skilled in philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy and invented astronomy. Atlas wed the goddess Clymene. The "Atlantic Ocean" is derived from "Sea of Atlas". The name of Atlantis per Plato's Timaeus' dialogue means "Atlas's Island". In Greek mythology, Atlas was tasked with holding up the heavens after the Titanomachy.
ZEUS - Zeus, son of Tital Olympian’s Cronus and Rhea, he wed Hera, and had Ares, Eileithyia, Hebe, and Hephaestus. At the oracle of Dodona, per the Iliad, he and Dione had Aphrodite. Theogony states Zeus' first wife was Metis, and they had Athena. Many stories exist of Zeus’ erotic escapades leading to divine and heroic offspring, including Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos and the Muses. Tails of Dardanus, Zeus’ son and the Pleiad named Electra, exist in many Greek tails. Arcadia tells us, Dardanus wed Chryse, and had sons, Idaeus and Deimas. After a great flood, Dardanus and his tribe moved to Samothrace and later Asia Minor to find fertile land. Virgil's Aeneid states, Dardanus was born in Italy, after his mother Electra wed Corythus, king of Tarquinia. Zeus was the brother of Poseidon and uncle of Atlas.
DARDANUS - Dardanus was the King of Dardania and the son of Zeus and Electra. Electra was one of the Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. She lived on the island of Samothrace. Electra was connected with the legend of the Palladium, the sacred statue, which became the talismanic protector of Troy. Dardanus was the brother of Iasion and Harmonia and Emathion. From Arcadia, Dardanus married Chryse, with whom he fathered two sons, Idaeus and Deimas. Dardanus later married Batea, the daughter of King Teucer, and founded the city of Dardanus on Mount Ida, which became the capital of his kingdom. He also founded the city of Thymbra and expanded his kingdom by waging successful wars against his neighbors. Dardanus had several children with Batea, including Ilus, Idaea, Erichthonius and Zacynthus. He reigned for 64 or 65 years before being succeeded by his son Ilus.
ILUS - Ilus was son of Dardanus and Batea, he wed Eurydice. He was the founder of the city called Ilios or Ilion to which he gave his name. When the latter became the chief city of the Trojan people it was also often called Troy, the name by which it is best known today. Ilus was son and heir to Tros of Dardania and brother of Assaracus and Ganymede. He won the wrestling prize at games held by the King of Phrygia and received fifty youths and maidens as his reward. The king also, on the advice of an oracle, gave him a cow and asked him to found a city where it should lie down. Ilus did so. Ilus then prayed to Zeus for a sign and at once saw the Palladium fallen from heaven and lying before his tent. He made offerings to Athena. Ilus preferred his new city of Ilium to Dardania and on his father's death he remained there, bestowing the rule of Dardania on his brother Assaracus instead and so the Trojans were split into two kingdoms. Ilus was father of Laomedon who succeeded him. His wife was said to be either Eurydice (daughter of Adrastus), or Leucippe. Other children of Ilus include: Themis and Telecleia, who wed Capys and Cisseus, respectively.
LAOMEDON - King Laomedon of Troy, son of Ilus and his wife Strymo. When Laomedon refused to give the gods Apollo and Poseidon a promised reward for building the walls of Troy. Laomedon had a number of sons, including Lampus and Priam, Clytius, and several daughters, including Hesione. Priam though was not named Priam at this time for he was named Podarces, and his change of name has to do with the actions of Hercules and Priam's father, Laomedon. Laomedon was buried near the Scaean Gate, and, was told as long as his grave remained undisturbed, the walls of Troy would stand. The temple of Aphaea on Aegina depicted Hercules’ sack of Troy; and are on display in Munich’s Glyptothek. The west pediment of the same structure depicted the famous Trojan War. An oracle revealed to Laomedon that the only way to save Troy would be to sacrifice his daughter Hesione, so Hesione was bound to a rock to await her death. But Hercules, stepped forward and offered to rescue Hesione in exchange for Laomedon’s divine horses. (Zeus himself had given the horses to Tros, Laomedon’s grandfather, in exchange for Ganymede - Tros’s son and Laomedon’s uncle - whom Zeus, had kidnapped.) Once Hercules saved Hesione, however, Laomedon refused to give up the horses. Hercules left Troy and returned with a band of warriors, captured the city, and killed Laomedon and all his sons except Priam and Tithonus. Hercules gave Hesione to Telamon, who bravely fought at his side. Hesione later became the mother of legendary archer Teucer, who was praised in Homer’s Iliad.
PRIAM - Trojan ‘High King’ Priam King of Troy and King of the Scythians and son of Laomedon of Troy, and his wife Strymo. He wed Hecuba of Phrygia, children were: Troan, Alexander "Paris", Helenus, Creusa, Laodice, Polyxena, Cassandra, Deiphobus, Hector, Pammon, Polites, Antphus, Hipponous, Polydorus, and Tro. Strymo was born in Troy, Macedonia, Turkey. His first wife was Arisbe and by this marriage they had son Aesacus who met his death before the advent of the Trojan War. Priam later divorced her in favor of Hecuba (or Hecebe), daughter of the Phrygian king Dymas. By his various wives and concubines Priam was the father of fifty sons and nineteen daughters. Hector was Priam's eldest son by Hecuba, and heir to the Trojan throne. Paris, another son, was the cause of the Trojan War. Other children of Priam and Hecuba include the prophetic Helenus and Cassandra; eldest daughter Ilione; Deiphobus; Troilus; Polites; Creusa, wife of Aeneas; Laodice, wife of Helicaon; Polyxena, who was slaughtered on the grave of Achilles; and Polydorus, his youngest son. Priam was originally called Podarces and he kept himself from being killed by Hercules by giving him a golden veil embroidered by his sister, Hesione. After this, Podarces changed his name to Priam. He remains the most famous name from Greek mythology among the Greek gods and goddesses. When Hector is killed by Achilles, Achilles treats the body with disrespect and refuses to give it back. Zeus sends the god Hermes to escort King Priam, Hector’s father and the ruler of Troy, into the Greek camp. Priam tearfully pleads with Achilles to take pity on a father bereft of his son and return Hector’s body. He invokes the memory of Achilles’ own father, Peleus. Priam begs Achilles to pity him, saying "I have endured what no one on earth has ever done before - I put my lips to the hands of the man who killed my son". Deeply moved, Achilles finally relents and returns Hector’s corpse to the Trojans. Both sides agree to a temporary truce, and Hector receives a hero’s funeral. Achilles further goes on to give Priam leave to hold a proper funeral for Hector complete with funeral games. He promises that no Greek will engage in combat for 11 days, but on the 12th day of peace, the mighty war between the Greeks and the Trojans would resume. Priam is killed during the Sack of Troy by Neoptolemus (or Pyrrhus) son of Achilles. His death is graphically related in Book II of Virgil's Aeneid. In Virgil's description Neoptolemus first kills Priam's son Polites as he seeks sanctuary on the altar of Zeus. Priam rebukes Neoptolemus, throwing a spear at him, which misses. Neoptolemus then drags Priam to the altar and there kills him too. It has been suggested by Hittite sources, specifically the Manapa-Tarhunta letter that there is historical basis for the archetype of King Priam. The letter describes one Piyama-Radu as a troublesome rebel who overthrew a Hittite client king and thereafter established his own rule over the city of Troy (mentioned as Wilusa in Hittite). There is also mention of an Alaksandu, suggested to be Paris Alexander (King Priam's son from the Iliad), a later ruler of the city of Wilusa who established peace between Wilusa and Hatti (see the Alaksandu treaty).
HELENUS - Helenus, High King of Troy, King of the Scythians and King of Epirus, he was born in Troy, Turkey. Only two sons of Priam mentioned by Homer are said to have survived: Helenus and Agathon. Helenus of Andromache had Franco of the Scythians. Helenus, like his twin Cassandra, possessed the power of prophesy. He was captured by the Greeks and disclosed to them how Troy could be captured. This traitorous act may have been the reason why he fled from Troy after its destruction and the inhabitants chose a new ruler. Herodotus also mentions a royal tribe or clan, an elite which dominated the other Scythians. On the other side of the Gerros we have those parts which are called the "Royal" lands and those Scythians who are the bravest and most numerous and who esteem the other Scythians their slaves. The elder brothers then, acknowledging the significance of this thing, delivered the whole of the kingly power to the youngest. From Lixopais, they say, are descended those Scythians who are called the race of the Auchatai; from the middle brother Arpoxais those who are called Catiaroi and Traspians, and from the youngest of them the "Royal" tribe, who are called Paralatai: and the whole together are called, they say, Scolotoi, after the name of their king; but the Hellenes gave them the name of Scythians. Thus, the Scythians say they were produced; and from the time of their origin, that is to say from the first king Targitaos, to the passing over of Dareios [the Persian Emperor Darius I] against them, they say that there is a period of a thousand years and no more. This royal clan is also named in other classical sources the "Royal Dahae". The rich burials of Scythian kings in (kurgans) are independent evidence for the existence of this powerful royal elite. Although scholars have traditionally treated the three tribes as geographically distinct, Georges Dumézil interpreted the divine gifts as the symbols of social occupations, illustrating his trifunctional vision of early Indo-European societies: the plough and yoke symbolised the farmers, the axe - the warriors, the bowl - the priests. According to Dumézil, "the fruitless attempts of Arpoxais and Lipoxais, in contrast to the success of Colaxais, may explain why the highest strata was not that of farmers or magicians, but rather that of warriors." Ruled by small numbers of closely allied élites, Scythians had a reputation for their archers, and many became mercenaries. Scythian élites had kurgan tombs: high barrows heaped over chamber-tombs of larch-wood - a deciduous conifer that may have had special significance as a tree of life-renewal, for it stands bare in that may have had special significance as a tree of life-renewal, for it stands bare in winter. Burials at Pazyryk in the Altay Mountains have included some spectacularly preserved Scythians of the "Pazyryk culture" - including the Ice Maiden. Scythian women dressed in much the same fashion as men, and at times fought alongside them in battle. A Pazyryk burial found in the 1990s contained the skeletons of a man and a woman, each with weapons, arrowheads, and an axe. In the 1998 NOVA documentary "Ice Mummies", an archaeologist explains that "The woman was dressed exactly like a man. This shows that certain women, probably young and unmarried, could be warriors, literally Amazons. It didn't offend the principles of nomadic society." Anthropologist Hermann Baumann recorded male-to-female transsexual priestesses among the Scythians as well, pointing to a broad range of gender expression in the culture. As far as we know, the Scythians had no writing system. Until recent archaeological developments, most of our information about them came from the Greeks. The Ziwiye hoard, a treasure of gold and silver metalwork and ivory found near the town of Sakizsouth of Lake Urmia and dated to between 680 and 625 BCE, includes objects with Scythian "animal style" features. One silver dish from this find bears some inscriptions, as yet undeciphered and so possibly representing a form of Scythian writing. Homer called the Scythians"the mare-milkers". Herodotus described them in detail: their costume consisted of padded and quilted leather trousers tucked into boots, and open tunics. They rode with no stirrups or saddles, just saddle cloths. Herodotus reports that Scythians used cannabis, both to weave their clothing and to cleanse themselves in its smoke (Hist. 4.73-75); archaeology has confirmed the use of cannabis in funeral rituals. The Scythian philosopher Anacharsis visited Athens in the 6th century BCE and became a legendary sage. Herodotus wrote about an enormous city, Gelonus, in the northern part of Scythia (4.108): "The Budini are a large and powerful nation: they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair. There is a city in their territory, called Gelonus, which is surrounded with a lofty wall, thirty furlongs = ca. 5,5 km each way, built entirely of wood. All the houses in the place and all the temples are of the same material. Here are temples built in honour of the Grecian gods, and adorned after the Greek fashion with images, altars, and shrines, all in wood. There is even a festival, held every third year in honour of Bacchus, at which the natives fall into the Bacchic fury. For the fact is that the Geloni were anciently Greeks, who, being driven out of the factories along the coast, fled to the Budini and took up their abode with them. They still speak a language half Greek, half Scythian." (transl. Rawlinson) Herodotus and other classical historians listed quite a number of tribes who lived near the Scythians, and presumably shared the same general milieu and nomadic steppe culture, often called "Scythian culture", even though scholars may have difficulties in determining their exact relationship to the "linguistic Scythians". A partial list of these tribes includes the Agathyrsi, Geloni, Budini, and Neuri. Herodotus presented four different versions of Scythian origins: Firstly (4.7), the Scythians' legend about themselves, which portrays the first Scythian king, Targitaus, as the child of the sky-God and of a daughter of the Dnieper. Targitaus allegedly lived a thousand years before the failed Persian invasion of Scythia, or around 1500 BCE. His three sons fell from the sky along with a set of four golden implements - a plough, a yoke, a cup and a battle-axe. Only the youngest son succeeded in touching the golden implements without them bursting with fire, and this son's descendants, called by Herodotus the "Royal Scythians", continued to guard them. Secondly (4.8), a legend told by the Pontic Greeks featuring Scythes, the first king of the Scythians, as a child of Hercules and a monster. Thirdly (4.11), in the version which Herodotus said he believed most, the Scythians came from a more southern part of Central Asia, until a war with the Massagetae (a powerful tribe of steppe nomads who lived just northeast of Persia) forced them westward. Finally (4.13), a legend which Herodotus attributed to the Greek bard Aristeas, who claimed to have got himself into such a Bachanalian fury that he ran all the way northeast across Scythia and further. According to this, the Scythians originally lived south of the Rhipaean mountains, until they got into a conflict with a tribe called the Issedones, pressed in their turn by the Cyclopes; and so the Scythians decided to migrate westwards. Persians and other peoples in Asia referred to the Scythians living in Asia as Sakas. Herodotus describes them as Scythians, although they figure under a different name: "The Sacae, or Scyths, were clad in trousers, and had on their heads tall stiff caps rising to a point. They bore the bow of their country and the dagger; besides which they carried the battle-axe, or sagaris. They were in truth Amyrgian (Western) Scythians, but the Persians called them Sacae, since that is the name which they gave to all Scythians." (Herodotus 4.64) Helenus of Troy King of the Scythians and Andromache had the following child: Franco.
Billions of years ago, God created Ether (Adam) within the ordered universe, he was also known as Chaos. Diethyl Ether, (C2H6) 20, divine father a primordial deity in Greek mythology, embodies the essence of light and the radiant blue ether of the heavens. God then created Hemera, (Eve) often referred to as the divine mother and creator Goddess, saying, “let there be light.” Hemera was source, sunlight, heat and the goddess of the daytime. Diethyl Ether is a highly flammable liquid under pressure and an explosive hazard when exposed to heat. From this union a combustible chemical reaction occurred causing the big bang which created all that exists. God also created Archangels, allowing them to possess intellect and power to assist Him. Archangels serve God and carry out His purposes, and are His soldiers on earth.
~ 4.5 billion years ago the creator Goddess Gaia came into being and is often referred to as mother earth. Gaia’s husband was Uranus (sky) who was created by Gaia to be her spouse. From their union, she bore the Titans: Tethys, Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Creator God Poseidon (God of the sea), Theia, Rhea (Goddess of fertility) , Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Cronus (God of time). Gaia and Archangel Heylel / Helois her consort, was the son of Archangel Michael and Goddess Hemera, and had many children.
~ 4.5 billion years ago - Poseidon (Cronus and Gaia’s son) created Poseidonis, later named the Garden of Eden, still later renamed Atlantis after Atlas. He was father of the Merpeople (Mermaids and Mermen), a sea god, God of earthquakes, storms, horses, mortality, craftsmanship. He wed his cousin Clymene, a Titan goddess of fame and renown, and the daughter of Oceanus and Tethy, she was the mother of Atlas. Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius. Other sons were Azaes, Gadeiros, Diaprepres, Elasippos, Euaimon, Mestor, Mneseus, Autokhthon, Ampheres, Theseus, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, Orion, Pelias, Polyphemus, Benthesikyme, Rhodos and Triton. His symbols are the Trident, Fish, Dolphins, Horse and Bull.
~ 3400-2200 BC - Inanna is the ancient Mesopotamian Goddess of love, sex, sensuality, fertility, procreation, and war. She later became identified by the Akkadians and Assyrians as the Goddess Ishtar, and further with the Hittite Sauska, the Phoenician Astarte and the Greek Aphrodite, among many others. She is associated with beauty, divine law, and political power. She was known by the Akkadian Empire, Babylonians and Assyrians as Ishtar, but was originally worshiped in Sumer.
~2762 BC - Adam (Archangel Michael) was divine father by way of Uranus and his wife Eve (Goddess Hermera) was divine mother by way of Gaia. Adam was incarnate throughout the eons as many well-known entities: Uranus, Ramses II, Osiris, Prince Coh, Akhenaten, Shamshi-Adad V, King Ahab, Mark Antony and many others. Eve was incarnate throughout the eons as Hemera, Gaia, Rhea, Clymene, Queen Moo, Cleopatra, Isis, Nefertiti, Nefertari, Semiramis, Atargatis (the first mermaid) and many others. Most were both fractal’s of the divine father (Uranus) and the divine mother (Gaia).
~2200 BC - Osiris, a great prince of Atlantis, wed Isis and became parents of Horus a god in the form of a falcon. Isis, determined to bring her husband back to life, used her magical powers and temporarily revived Osiris. It was during this brief period, she conceived Horus. This miraculous conception has led some people to draw comparisons between the birth of Horus and the virgin birth of Jesus,
~2000 BC - Atargatis is said to be the mermaid who was the original inspiration for all mermaid stories. She was an Assyrian Goddess. She was said to be the goddess of the moon, fertility and water and was worshipped 3000-4000 years ago in ancient Assyria and later all over the Mediterranean.
~1500 BC - Prince Coh and Queen Moo of Mayan, was the daughter of King Canchi and Queen Zoc.
~1350 BC - Nefertiti wed Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt, and was Queen of the 18th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.
~1303 BC - ~1213 BC - Ramses II, son of Seti I and Tuya, wed Nefertari, daughter of Nefertiti and Akhenaten.
~825 BC - King Ahab, (Archangel Michael) son of Omri, King of Israel, he married Jezebel, daughter of Ithobaal I of Sidon and King of Tyre. King Ahab and Jezebel had 8 children, 3 were: Ahaziah of Israel, Jehoran of Israel and sister Athaliah.
~760 BC - 806 BC - Semiramis, Queen of Egypt, which included the Fertile Crescent, she was daughter of the fish-goddess Derketo of Ascalop in Assyria. Semiramis was the wife of Shamshi-Adad V and the mother of his successor, Adad Nirari III who became king. Semiramis's first husband is named Onnes. Some scholars have compared this to the earlier Mesopotamian myth of Oannes, one of the apkallu or seven sages described as fish-men in cuneiform texts. While Oannes was a servant of the water deity Ea, having gained wisdom from the god. Oannes, in Mesopotamian mythology, an amphibious being who taught mankind wisdom. Oannes, as described by the Babylonian priest Berosus, had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish's head and under his fish's tail the feet of a man. Oannes, also known as Adapa and Uanna, was a Babylonian god from the 4th century BCE.
~70 BC - 30 BC - Cleopatra VII wed Mark Antony, her twin flame. She next wed Julius Caesar who was also her twin flame. Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes, King of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and his wife Cleopatra V. Cleopatra and Mark Antony had Alexander Heylel, Cleopatra Selene II, Ptolemy Phildelphus and Ptolemy ‘Caesar’ Caesarion.
~70 BC - 1 BC - Goddess Anahita wed Mithras Anahita, a popular Zoroastrian yazatā, and an ancient Iranian cosmological figure venerated as the female guardian angel of waters. Anahita was the deity assigned to water, as well as fertility and prosperity. Her son was the God of the rising sun in Persian mythology.
~1507-1547 AD - Catherine Parr, Queen of England and Ireland, was the final wife of Henry VIII, King of England, she was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr and Maud Green during that time period. Creator Goddess Hemera was incarnate as the wife of all of King Henry VIII's wifes. Prince Harry was a reincarnation of King George V and Catherine, his wife, was a reincarnation of the beheaded Queen Anne Boleyn.
Creator Goddess Hermera is slated to return as Queen of Atlantis. She was the daughter of the Sun God Heylel and the Moon Goddess Nana. She was also the daughter of Poseidon, the God of the sea and Clymene in another incarnation. Initially she wed her twin flame Ether, a Creator God and during the time of Mother Mary (Goddess Hermera), she wed Joseph ben Judah (Creator God Ether and later Archangel Michael). Joseph was from the Tribe of Judah and Mary was of the Tribe of Levi.
FRANCO - Franco (Francus) the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor (now Turkey). Franco had the following child: Esdron the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor (now Turkey). Francus is a figure of Trojan history, Merovingian scholars referred to Franco as a legendary eponymous king of the Franks, a descendant of the Trojans, founder of the Merovingian dynasty and forefather of Charlemagne.
ESDRON - Esdron the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor aka Turkey. Husband of Mammon Father of Gelio Half brother of Sobil of Troy. Esdron and Mammon had the following children: Gelio the Trojan born in Troy, Turkey.
GELIO - Gelio the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor (now Turkey) was born in Troy, Turkey and died in Troy, Turkey. Gelio the Trojan had the following child: Bosabiliano (Basabellian I).
BOSABILIANO - Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan King of Troy, Turkey. Bosabiliano had the following child: Plaserion (Plaserius I) the Trojan and had the following child: Pleseron the Trojan.
PLESERON - Pleseron the Trojan (Plaserio / Plaserius I). Pleseron the Trojan had the following child: Eliacor the Trojan.
ELIACOR - Eliacor the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians. Zaberian 'Gaberiano' King of the Cimmerians. He was born in the Black Sea Region of Troy, Turkey. Eliacor the Trojan had the following child: Zaberian the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians.
ZABERIAN - Zaberian the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians. Zaberian Child of Zaberian: Plaserius II the Trojan. The Cimmerians were an ancient Eastern Iranic equestrian nomadic people originating in the Pontic–Caspian steppe, part of whom subsequently migrated into West Asia. Although the Cimmerians were culturally Scythian, they formed an ethnic unit separate from the Scythians proper, to whom the Cimmerians were related and who displaced and replaced the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians themselves left no written records, and most information about them is largely derived from Assyrian records of the 8th to 7th centuries BC and from Graeco-Roman authors from the 5th century BC and later.
PLASERIUS - Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians (Zaberian) 'Gaberiano' King of the Eliacor the Trojan, Pleseron. the Trojan, Plaserio (Plaserius I) the Trojan, Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan, Gelio the Trojan, Esdron the Trojan, Franco of the Scythians, Genger of the Scythians, Helenus of Troy King of the Scythians, Priam Podarces (High King of Troy) was born in 1025 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died about 830 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. Notes for Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians: Plaserius II the Trojan Child: Antenor I the Trojan Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians had the following child: Antenor King of the Cimmerians I was born in 1150 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in 1235 BC in Minor, Yakutia, Russia.
The following list of kings comes from a mid-7th century document known as Chronicle of Fredegar and deals with the genealogy of the Merovingian kings, earlier generations appear to be based almost exclusively on Gregory of Tours. Royal Genealogy or The Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings and Princes, By James Anderson, 1732, pp. 118/119. The Sicambrian and Merovingian kings, are ancestors of the present Kings of France (DNA haplogroup G2a).
ANTENOR - Antenor King of the Cimmerians I (Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians), Zaberian 'Gaberiano' King of the Cimmerians, Eliacor the Trojan, Pleseron the Trojan, Plaserio (Plaserius I) the Trojan, Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan, Gelio the Trojan, Esdron the Trojan, Franco of the Scythians, Genger of the Scythians, Helenus of Troy King of the Scythians, Priam Podarces (High King of Troy) was born in 1150 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in 1235 BC in Minor, Yakutia, Russia. Notes for Antenor King of the Cimmerians I: Antenor I the Trojan King of Troy Child: Priam II Trianus the Trojan Antenor King of the Cimmerians I had the following child: Priamas II King of the Cimmerians was born in 965 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
PRIAMAS II - Priamas II King of the Cimmerians, was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
HELENUS II - Helenus II the Cimmerians, was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
PLESRON - Plesron II of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
BASABELLIAN II - Basabellian II or Basabillano was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
ALEXANDER - Alexandre King of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
ALMADION - Almadion King of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
DILULIUS I - He was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. By the 3rd century, the region in which they and their neighbors had lived had become part of the territory of the Franks, which was a new name that possibly represented a new alliance of older tribes, possibly including the Sicambri. However, many Sicambri had been moved into the Roman empire by this time.
DILULIUS II - Dilulius II, King of the Cimmerians Sicambri, born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece. The 8th century anonymous "Frankish Chronicle" (De Rebus Francorum) states that after the fall of Troy in 1181 about 12,000 Trojans fled by ship across the Black Sea to the mouth of the Tanais. From there they spread to the Maeotic Swamps and as far as the borders of Pannonia. This account agrees very well with the report of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in his "Roman Antiquities," I, 46, 47, who states that after the fall of Troy "... a larger number escaped than were taken prisoner ... the Achaeans, intent on capturing the citadel, were giving no thought to the pursuit of the multitude who were escaping from the city .... Aeneas abandoned the palace; and opening the gates he marched forth with the rest of the fugitives in good order ... they were joined not only by the inhabitants of Dardanus ... but by the whole populace of Ophyrnium .... this force of the Trojans became a very large one." In other words, a large number of people escaped. Dionysius goes on to state that they obtained permission from the Greeks to travel about unmolested in order to find a new country in which to settle. Aeneas headed to the Greek coast near Thessalonika, and from there southwards to the Mediterranean and Italy. But others took a different route. "... Ascanius, his eldest son, with some of the allies, chiefly Phrygians, (went) to the country of Dascylitis (near the Bosphorus) .... But Ascanius did not tarry there for any length of time ...." He returned to the site of Troy and tried to reestablish the city.
MARCOMIR I - King of the of Cimmerians and first King of the Sicambri, he was born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece. Marcomir I brought his people out of Scythia and conquered Gaul where they settled. He died in 412 B.C. first King of the Sicambri, who took possession of what is now Holland in the year of the world 3573. In 3582, he crossed the Rhine and conquered part of Gaul, of which land he made his brother the governor. The Sicambri were of the Scythian race, and were settled at the mouth of the Danube but were driven onward by the Goths to the border of Germany and the German Sea. Here they remained, and were later called Franks, Franconians and French. King Marcomir I. died in the year of the world 3592, or B.C. 412.
PRIAM IV - Priam, IV, King of the Cimmerians, Sicambri born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece.
HELENUS VI - Helenus IV King of the Cimmerians, he was from the Black Sea Region of Ancient Turkey, Troad, Troy, Greece and died in Simmeria, in the Black Sea Region of Ancient Turkey, in the Troad, Troy, Greece.
ANTENOR IV - King Antenor IV / II of Cimmerians, King of the Cimmerians German: Antenor IV / II the Sicambri of France, King of the Cimmerians Birth: circa - 512 Sambre BC, death: circa -442BC (62-78) 443 BCE, Russia.
MARCOMIR I - King Marcomir I / II the of Cimmerians, King of the Cimmerians German: Marcomir I / II the Sicambri of France, King of the Cimmerians (ca 495 BC Cimmerians-412 BC) West-Friezland, Gelders, Netherlands Place of Burial: Forced from, Sythia by Goths, to, Friezland married to Queen Leah of Sicambri.
ANTENOR I (II), King of the Cimmerians, on the Black-Sea, or the Enxin, of Trojan Blood 443 BC the year before the Institution of the Roman Caesars in the second year of Nehemiah's Government at Jerusalem, and 22nd year of the Persian King Artaxerxes.
MARCOMIR II, King of the Sicambri. Next year he brought the people out of Scythia and seated them at the head of the Danube, and was made Governor of that, he with 175,658 men was expelled out of Scythia by the Goths. Then he planted them in the country, part of Gaul which was now called West-Frieszland, Gelders and Holland. Nine years after he crossed the Rhine and conquered part of Gaul and made his brother Governor; after which they never ceased till they had conquered all of Gaul. He reigned 30 years and died 412 BC in the 20th Year of the Peloponnesian War.
ANTENOR II, King. He conquered Phrysia and slew all the males. When Artaxerxes, king of Persian having finished the Cyprian War, led an army of 300,000 men against the Cadusians Cambra, from her they are called Sicambria. Cambra was the daughter of Belinus the Great, a legendary king of the Britons, and married to Antenor, the 2nd King of the Cimmerians.
PRIAMUS, King. In his time the people began to speak the Saxon Language. He died 358 BC, 5 years after the death of the Great Camillus at Rome and in the first year of Darius king of Persia.
HELENUS, King, He erected an Oratory to Pallas, whom he worshiped by sacrificing to her captive children, and he slew 16,000 Gauls in Battle in the Land of the Tungri. But, after he had reigned 19 Years, he died in 339 BC, the year before Darius king of Persia was poisoned and in the 3rd year of Jaddus High-Priest of Jerusalem.
DIOCLES, King. He aided the Saxons against the Goths and in his absence the Gauls invaded his Kingdom, but by the valour of his captains they were expelled and lost 78,000 Men, besides captives and children, whom the Sicambri sacrificed to Jupiter in honour of their victory. He died 300 BC, the year that Seleucus founded the City of Antioch in Upper Syria, in the 13th year of his era, the first year of ProIomy King of Egypt, and first year of Simon the Just High-Priest of Jerusalem. His son Helenus became king but was deposed for Bassanus.
BASSANUS Magnus King. He was Priest also, and so very severe in his laws that he executed his own son for adultery and put away his wife for revealing him for it, and sent her to her father. In the 8th Year of his reign he built many forts against the incursions of the Gauls and in his 16th year built the city of Bassanburg, where many of his successors had their residence. Tribemius calls this Aquisgrane or Aix la Chapel. Then after two years his father-in-law, to avenge his daughter's wrong, came against him, but being too weak, was forced to return. About that time flourished Deligastus, the great Prophet of the Sicambri. In his 30th year he conquered from the Saxons all the country from the entrance of the Rhine to Mentz, and in his 29th year of his reign, he slew Thaborinus King of the Togazani (now Westphalini.) Then in 250 BC he commended his son to the people and was seen no more, in the 36th year of his reign, in the first year of Danas II, the son of Simon the Just High-Priest, 2 years after the Carthaginians were beaten in Sicily by the Consul Petellus, in the 35th year of Ptolomy Philadelphus, and the Year that Regulus was butchered at Carthage.
CLODOMIR I, King. In his 3rd year the Gauls demanded restitution of their lands, but he overcame them by the aid of the King of Thuringia and Saxony. He died 232 BC in the 15th year of Ptolomy Euergetes King of Egypt, the year that Marcus Portius Cato Mayor was born.
NICANOR, King. He was very successful in combining the military to defeat the Sclavenians and Goths with much spoil. In his third year as king he aided his father-in-law, the king of Britain, whose daughter Constantina, he married to defeat the Orcades and Orkneys. In his 15th year he was defeated by the Goths that came out of Scandie, but afterwards expelled them. He died 198 BC being the 25th Year of Antiochus Magnus King of Syria, and in the 7th year of Ptolomy Epiphanes King of Egypt.
MARCOMIR III, King. He was successful against the Romans, Gauls, Goths, &c. In his 5th year he commanded the Gauls to be written in rhyme and sung by the Priests. He died 170 BC, the 6th year of Antiochus Epiphanes king of Syria, while Romans warred against the Perfeus king of Macedon.
CLODIUS, King. In his 13th year the Romans and Gauls miserably waste his country, but being next year aided by the Saxons he defeated them, but died himself in the battle 159 BC in the 22d Year of Ptolomy Philometor and 4th Year of Demetrias Soter in the 2nd Year of Jonathan the Brother of Paccabacus Prince and Priest of the Jews.
ANTENOR III, King. He concluded a peace with the Gauls for 10 years and abolished the custom of sacrificing his enemies children, he died 143 BC, in the 3rd Year of Ptolomy Physcon, King of Egypt, and first Year of Simon the other brother of Paccabacus Prince and Priest of the Jews and 3 years after the destruction of Carthage.
CLODOMIR II, King. In his 10th year the Gauls breaking the peace were overcome, he died 123 BC, the first year of Antiocbus Griphus King of Syria, when Caius Gracchus was chosen at Rome.
MERODOCUS, King. His 5th Year he levied an Army of 220,000 of his own people with Saxons and Germans, and entered Italy as far as Ravenna and greatly annoyed the Roman Colonies; and in his 15th year because of several inundations of the sea, and the Rhine, the Sicambri and Cimbri were forced to transplant themselves to the Hercynian Woods, where are now the countries of Bohemia, &c. In his 20th Year the Romans and Gauls invaded their territories and set the Goths and Sclavonians on the Saxons so they might not aid the Sicambri, who in his 23rd year joined the Cimbri, then very powerful; but were overcome by Darius. After this defeat Merodachus with a fresh army marched against the Gauls, gave them a great defeat and settled again in their old country. He died 95 BC, the 2nd year of Seleucus, King of Syria, and 11th year of Alexander, Prince of the Jews.
CASSANDER, King in his second year the Romans and Gauls pass the Mose and enter his kingdom, and in the 9th year he aided the ArabIus King of the Saxons against Berobissa King of the Goths, who after 5 years again invaded Germany: but Cassander with Damerus king of the Thuringi, expelled the Goths. He died 74 BC in the start of the third Mithridatic War.
ANTHARIUS, King in his 20th year some of Caesar's soldiers revolt to the Sicambri who refused to deliver them up at Caesar's at demand; wherefore Caesar joined the Ubij against them and entered their country without doing anything memorable, which was the first year that Caesar came into Britain, 54 BC, while Crassus spoiled the Temple of Jerusalem. In his 25th year he took Mentz at last and 2,000 of his Men were slain by the Gauls 39 BC, was the last king of the Sicambri for after him they were called Frank or Franconians after the name of his son and successor Francus.
FRANCUS succeeded 39 BC, in his third year the Goths and People of Scania encroach upon the country and remain there for 10 years, but then they were expelled by Francus; and next year the name of Sicambri was changed to Franci by an edict at the at people's request, and the year after being at war with the Goths, Gauls wasted his dominions, but he levied an Army of 300,000 men and invading their country took much spoil, and killed 200,000 people of all sexes and ages. The Romans hearing of this victory sent Lollius with force into Germany to aid the Saxons, but Francus in the first battle slew 18,000 Saxons; then 4 years after this, Francus sent his son against the Romans, who gave them a great overthrow; and next year he made a perpetual league with German Princes. He died 8 BC, the 19th year of Augustus (Emperor 27 BC-14 AD) and 27th of Herod, King of Judea.
CLODIUS or CLOGIO, King of the Franconians. He waged war with the Romans. In his 18th year 10 AD, Darus was defeated in Germany by Darminius the Chief of a people in Germany much like the Franconians and their Confederates. He died 20 AD after reigning 31 years, the Year that Tibertius the Emperor contrived to poison Darminius.
MARCOMIR IV, King, 32 AD. His brother Herimerus was king before him. He died in 50 AD in the reign of Emperor Claudius.
CLODOMIR III or CLODOMER III, King in 51 AD. He recovered all that his Predecessors had lost and fought with the Romans near Mentz and wasted the country of Triers. He died 63 A.D. and reigned 12, in the reign of the Emperor Nero.
ANTENOR IV or ANTHENOR IV, King, 63 AD. He reigned in the right of Vespasian. [According to the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, on-line under the title: Descendants of Yeshua Ben Yossef - Prieure de Sion (translated as Priory of Sion). Anthenor VI was married about 53 AD to Sarah Tamar (meaning palm tree) born September, 33 AD, daughter of Yeshuah Ben Yossef [Jesus] and Mariamne [Mary] of Magdala on the Sea of Galilee, Mary was the daughter of Cyrus of Magdala, King of the Benjamite Tribe who was killed by Herod. In the Gospel of Philip 63:32-64:10, Mary's described as the "companion" of Jesus, but the word for companion is also used for wife. It also states that Jesus [... loved] Mary Magdalene more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [lips]. The rest of [the disciples...] said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?"]
RATHERIUS, King, 69 AD. He renewed the league with the Germans and Saxons. 74 AD and died 90 AD, in the reign of Domitian, and was buried at Rotterdam, which he had built, having reigned 20 years. Claudius of Turin, who acquired his knowledge not indeed in Italy. Andreas, Agnellus the historian of the archbishops of Ravenna, Anastasius Bibliothecarius the collector of the lives of the popes, Joannes Diaconus the biographer of the archbishops of Naples; later in the tenth century, Atto of Vercelli, Ratherius of Verona, Luitprand of Cremona, the satirical and bitter historian of his time, these are almost the only names of distinguished men which Italy during this period can present. A history of the church / translated from the German By Edward Cox, p. 243.
RICHEMER, King, 90 AD. He fought with the Romans and Gauls near Basana (now Aix la Chapel) in 99 AD, being aided by Wunderkind, King of the Saxons and Derminfrid, King of the Thuringi in 101 AD. He opposed the Goths who invaded Germany and slew 20,000 of them and put them to flight, but this is contradicted by some historians. The Franks, Germans and Saxons planted colonies in that part of Germany which is now called Brandenburg ca. 106. Richemer died 114 AD, reigned 24 in the reign of Trajan.
ODOMAR, King, 114 AD. He made a league with the Romans and Gauls, and 117 AD built the town of Odomarsheim. He died 128 AD, having reigned 14 years in the reign of Abrian.
Prior to the Merovingians taking on the their new name from Merovech the founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks, which later became the dominant Frankish tribe, they were referred to as Sicambrians / Sicamber / Sugambri by the Romans, others called them Salian / Salaii, Ligurians, Ambrones, Teutones, Thyrrenoi, Carians, Mysians, Lydians, Luwians and many other names depending on where they were living at the time. The constant changing of their name has caused confusion among many historians.
These pre-Merovingians coexisted and even intermarried with the native Scythians, and were at times even referred to as Scythians. By the fifth century, at least three main branches of Franks were apparent and the only branch which seems to have retained a genealogy of any length was that of the Sicambrian Franks. The History Files, European Kingdoms Germanic Tribes, historyfiles.co.uk. Tiberius was appointed to conduct the war in Germany, and when he passed the Rhine, all the people except the Sicambrians sent messengers to sue for peace. Augustus refused to grant it until the Sicambrians had joined the embassy; and even when they had offered this submission, they were not successful. The History of the Roman Emperors: From Augustus to the Death of Marcus Antoninus. Vol. 1, By Robert Lynam, 1850, p. 51.
As the Salian or Salaii, they were a loose alliance and would band together during times of war or when negotiating with the Romans. Each tribe consisted of extended family groups centered on the highest ranking family. The importance of the family bond was made clear by the Salic Law, which ordained that an individual had no right to protection if not part of a family. In 358, they formed an agreement with the Romans, which allowed them to keep settlements south of the delta in Toxandria, between the rivers Scheldt, Maas, and Demer.
Julius Caesar tells us the Salian men were “born for war and raids“ and “No swamp or marsh will stop them.” Strabo describes them as Germanic, and that beyond them are the Suevi (later called Alamanni). Gregory of Tours tells us the Salian won a great battle at Cambrai under their king Chlodion. “With the Salians at Dispargum and the Ripuarians at Cologne, the Franks became the wall of the Romans and resisted barbarians crossing the Rhine at Mainz. They are described as having a fierceness of their looks; the wrinkled scowl about their brows” … with wild blue eyes; large limbs compared to the “little stature” of the Romans and long fair hair. The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature, Vol. 9, 1893, p. 723.
These Germanic tribes joined together and appeared on the edge of the Roman Empire in the early Christian era for defense or offensive operations against the Romans. They were identified as Franks in Roman sources in the mid-fifth century and this meant "the robust," "the brave," and later, by extension, the meaning preferred by the Franks themselves, "the free." A Brief History of France, Fact on File Publishing, 2011, By Paul F. State, p. 34. The Salian Franks inhabited the sea-coast and the Ripuarian Franks dwelt on the banks of the river Rhine.
"The origin of the Franks is in the population of the Sugambri, of the Ambrones, that joined the Chatti, the first seem to be relatives of the Ligurian Ambrones" … "The Ambrones and the Sicambri (or Sugambri), who shared their name with the Ligurian Ambrones, belonged to these originary people.” Origins of European Peoples: Part One: Ancient History, By Mario Mosetton, 2018.
Tacitus uses Cimbri, which he knows to be another designation for Teutones; "both he and Strabo give the Cimbri the locality of the Sicambri,", because Cimbri, Sicambri, Teutones, and lastly, [Salian] Franks, are all one. Epea Pterocenta, Conveying Revelations of the Past, By Nathan Lazarus Benmohel, 1847, p. 28. Another form of the name Sicambri used in Europe was Sigambri and was represented by Ptolemy as the Scymbi-Scyths in the Hugie area of Scythia.
In his Liber De Spectaculis, Martial tells us: "With locks twisted into a knot, are come the Sicambrians. The Suevi are mentioned as having their hair twisted into a “Suevian knot” and according to Tacitus (Germania 4,2), have fierce blue eyes, blond hair, huge body frames. The Suevi were closely associated with the Sicambri and often intermarried. At the crucial moment of Clovis' baptism, Remigius declared; “Bend down your head, Sicamber. Honour what you have burnt, burn what you have honoured.” The link between the Sicambri and the Salian Franks, who were Clovis' people, was being invoked. Further examples of Salians being called Sicambri can be found in the Panegyrici Latini, the Life of King Sigismund, the Life of King Dagobert, and many other sources.
"According to Pliny the Elder (AD75), the barbarian tribes were multitudinous: Vandals (that is, Burgundians, Varini, Charini, and Gutones), Ingvaeones (Cimbri, Teutones, and Chauci), Isthaeones (probably synonymous with Ingvaeones and the Sicambri / Cimbri), Herminones (Suebi, Hermanduri, Chatti, and Cherusci), and the Peucini (or Bastarnae)." The Gothic: A Very Short Introduction By Nick Groom, p. 1.
The Sygambri, Sugambri, Sigambri, Sycambri or Sicambri, were early one of the most powerful peoples of Germany, they belonged to the Istaevones, and dwelt north of the Ubii on the Rhine, from whence they spread towards the north as far as the Lippe. They were conquered by Tiberius in the reign of Augustus, and a large number of them were transplanted to Gaul, where they received settlements between the Maas and the Rhine as Roman subjects. New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography, 1850, By William Smith, p. 734.
Lucius Annaeus Florus (ca 74–130 AD), a Roman historian, wrote: “The Cherusci, Suebi and Sicambri formed an alliance by crucifying twenty Roman centurions, but later submitted to Nero Slaudius Drusus in 9 B.C. and were taken into Gaul and settled in lands near the Rhine.” These previous ‘Sea dwelling’ Salian Franks lived North and East of Limes in the Dutch coastal area and in the 5th century migrated throughout Belgium and into northern France.
MARCOMIR IV, King, 128 AD. He rebuilt Marpurg in the Landgraviate of Hesse 146 AD and died 149 AD and reigned 32 years in the reign of Antoninus Plus.
CLODOMIR, King, reigned ca. 149 AD. He was born in 104 in Austrasia (France) and died in 166 at age 62. His wife was Hasilda or Hafilda, Princess of the Rugij. He reigned during the years of Antonius the philosopher.
PHARABERT, King, reigned ca. 166. He renewed the ancient league with the Germans and died ca.186 and reigned 20 years in the reign of Commodus.
SUNNO, King of the Salian Franks 137-213. He reigned 186 AD, had much war with the Romans and Gauls. Upon the death of the Emperor Severus, he entered Gaul and wasted it with fire and sword. He reigned 28 years in the reign of Emperor Caracalla (previously known as Antoninus).
HILDERIC, King of the Franks, ca. 213. He built a castle in an isle of the Rhine and called it Hildeburg, 214; reduced his Franks to civility and politeness AD 226, and caused them to alter their mean buildings; reigned forty years during the reign of the Emperor Trebonianus Gallus.
BARTHERUS, King, reigned ca. 253. The Franks and Germans spoiled Italy as far as revenue in 264 and razed the town of Aragon to the ground.
CLODIUS I, King of the West Franks, reigned ca. 272. In the time of the Emperor Aurelian, he built Orleans in 275 and recovered Gaul from the Germans after slewing 40,000 in 277. In 283 AD he entered Gaul, and after having slain many Romans, recovered some of that which he had formerly lost, but the Romans again expelled him in 289. He died ca. 298 and reigned 27 years in the reign of Diocletian.
WALTER, King c. 298. He died in 306 after reigning 8 years in the first year of Constantine the Great.
DAGOBERT, King c. 306. He was a mild and loving Prince to his subjects, he died ca. 317 after he reigned 11 years during the reign of Constantine the Great.
CLODIUS IV, King c. 317. The Romans and Gaul invaded Franconia in 318 and he was slain in the battle in 319 during the reign of Constantine the Great.
MARCOMIR V, King. In 347 in Germania, Inferior, of the Roman Empire of the West, He was a Frankish duke (dux, leader). Gregory of Tours mentions him in his Historia Francorum together with dukes Genobaud and Sunno. Gregory doubts that they were called kings. They crossed the Rhine, raided the Roman province of Germania and threatened Cologne, in the latter years of emperor Magnus Maximus (ca. 388). They reportedly also led Chatti and Ampsivarii.
CLODOMIR, King. He succeeded in 319, he aided the Sarmata against the Romans, of whom he slew 36,000 in 321 AD. The Almas and Thuringi being at continual war the Franks were permitted to plant themselves where Holland, Utrich, Gelders, part of Frisia, Westphalia, and Brabant now lie. Clodomir died 337, the year after Constantine died; he reigned 10 years.
RICHIMIR, King, reigned in 337. He opposed Constantine with 200,000 men in 342. He fought unadvisedly with the Romans and was slain in battle c. 350 AD. He reigned 23 years in the reign of Constantine. His wife was Hastila.
THEODOMIR, King, reigned c. 350. He was taken prisoner by Roman Emperor Julian, who slew him in 360.
CLODIUS V, King, reigned b. ca. 360. To avenge his father’s death, he took Cambray, slew many Romans, entered Gaul and annexed much of it to his Dominions ca. 361, he died 378, reigned 18 years in the reign of Valens in the east and Gratian in the west. King Clodius V had a son and heir named Dagobert who died in 389, leaving a his son and heir Genebald who died without male issue, Dagobert’s daughter Argota was arranged to marry her cousin Pharamond, son of Marcomir V (son of King Clodius V).
DAGOBERT, became the first Duke of the Franks under Roman rule. His son and heir Genebald died without male issue, so Dagobert’s daughter Argota married her first cousin Pharamond, son of Marcomir V.
PHARAMOND, King of all the Franks, reigned c. 365 in Westphalia, Germany, and in 430, the Franks were united under one crown. He became king of the west Franks in 419 AD and king of Westphalia in 420 AD at his father-in-law’s death in 419 AD. His wife was Argotta, known as mother of all the Franks, and daughter of Clodius V. In the Acts of the Franks, the first king of the Franks who exercised royal power was Pharamond, son of Marcomir. He was succeeded by his son Chlodio.
CHLODIO (c400-c440) King of the Salian Franks from Thuringian territory at the castle of Duisburg, he invaded and defeated the Romans and settled in Northern Gaul with other Salians in 428. “We hear (in Gregory of Tours) that the Salians, coming ‘from Dispargum (Disiburg, the city of the goddesses), in Toringia,” won a great battle at Cambrai under Chlodion their king, and penetrated, even as far as the Loire. He married Basina, daughter of Wedelphus, king of the Thuringii.
MEROVECH (c425-480) was founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks, which later became the dominant Frankish tribe. After Chlodio, Merovech was king of the Salian Franks. It is not known if he was the son of Chlodio; Gregory of Tours says he was of Chlodio's stock and names him as the father of Childeric.
CHILDERIC I (c435-481) He was first of the Frankish rulers, who were under Roman rule, who was referred to as a Merovingian ruler based on the name of his father. Childeric, the Merovingian king, feared losing his power through the loss of his hair. He was buried with hundreds of pure gold bees with red glass wings. Basina left her first husband, King Bisinus and went to Roman Gaul to ask for the hand of Childeric I, a Frankish king. Basina was the daughter of the Thuringian king Basin and his wife Basina, a Saxon Princess.
CLOVIS (466-11/27/511) chosen to be first king of the Franks, he married Clotilde, daughter of King Chilperic of Burgundy. She was born in Lyons, France in 474 and married Clovis in 493. Remigius of Reims (ca. 437-533) wrote to Clovis after he succeeded his father Childeric in 481/482. Clovis prayed to "Clotilde's God" and promised to convert if victorious in battle. After his success, Clovis abjured heathenism and embraced Christianity, with great pomp and solemnity, at Rheims, where on Christmas Day of 496, he was baptized by Bishop Saint Remigius (St. Remy) of Reims; and the greater number of Franks, following his example, became Christians. The church, in consideration of this addition to its followers, and in remembrance of the act, has canonized Clotilde. He married Clotilde, she was later Saint Clotilde. The New World: Extra series, Issues 25-105, 1842, p. 2.
CHLOTHAR I (c497-11/29/561) King of the Franks, he married Ingund, daughter of King Baderic of Thuringia. Baderic (ca. 480–529), was son of Bisinus and Menia, and a co-king of the Thuringii. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Berthar succeeded their father Bisinus. After Hermanfrid defeated Berthar in battle, he invited King Theuderic I of Metz to help him defeat Baderic in return for half of the kingdom. Theuderic I agreed and Baderic was defeated and killed in 529. Hermanfrid became the sole king. Baderic is known to have two daughters: Ingund and Aregund, who became the 3rd and 4th wives respectively of Clothar I.
CHARIBERT I (c517–12/567) King of Paris, Neustria, Aquitaine, he married Ingoberga daughter of the Burgundian king Godegisel and his wife Theudelinde.
CHARIBERT II (c555-636) Count of Hesbaye and King of Aquitaine, married Wulfgurd of Hesbaye.
CHRODOBERTUS I (c585-4/8/630) Count of Hesbaye, he married Glismoda of Bavaria.
CHRODOBERTUS II (c625-c678) Count Palatine of Neustria, married Doda daughter of Warinus Count of Poitiers and Kunza of Treves daughter of St. Chlodulf Bishop of Metz and Childa or Hilda de Metz.
LAMBERT (c669-c742) 1st Count of Hesbaye, married Chrotlind (c678-) daughter of Theodric III, King of Neustria (Belgium), Austrasia and Clotilda (c655-) daughter of Ansegisel, [son of St. Arnulf ] and Saint Begga of Landen.
RUPERT / ROBERT I (697-764) Count of Wormsgau and Rheingau, he married Williswinda, daughter of Adelheim of Wormsgau.
THURINGBERT (4/735-6/1/770) Count of Wormsgau and Rheingau, and Duke of Hesbaye, he married Theoderata of Wormsgau.
ROBERT II (c765-7/12/807) Count of Wormsgau and Duke of Hesbaye, he married Hiltrud daughter of Odilo, Duke of Bavaria and Hiltrud daughter of Charles "The Hammer" Martel and Rotrude of Hesbaye.
ROBERT III (c800-12/7/834) Count of Rheingau and Wormsgau, he married Waldrada / Waldrat daughter of Count Adrian d'Orleans and Waldrat of Autun. Adrian / Hadrian was the son of Gerold I of Vinzgau and Emma d'Alamannie. Waldrat was the daughter of Theuderic (Thierry), Count of Autun and Aldana / Alda daughter of Charles Martel and Rotrude. Theuderic was the son of King Dagobert III.
ROBERT IV THE STRONG (c820-7/2/866) of Worms, Margrave in Neustria, having origins in Hesbaye, he married Adelaide daughter of Hugh of Tours and Ava / Bava of Paris, Adelaide's first husband was Conrad, Count of Auxerre. Hugh of Tours and Ava were also parents of Ermengarde of Tours who married Lothar I, son of King Louis the Pious. Robert's rise came at the expense of the Rorigonids, designed to curb their regional power and to defend Neustria from numerous Viking and Breton raids.
KING ROBERT V (SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS ROBERT I) (866-6/15/923) He was king of Western Francia (later France) and Count of Poitiers and Paris and Marquis of Neustria and Orleans. He married Beatrice, daughter of Herbert I, Lord of Peronne and St. Quentin and Bertha, daughter of Guerri de Morvois and Eva of Roussillon.
ESDRON - Esdron the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor aka Turkey. Husband of Mammon Father of Gelio Half brother of Sobil of Troy. Esdron and Mammon had the following children: Gelio the Trojan born in Troy, Turkey.
GELIO - Gelio the Trojan of Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor (now Turkey) was born in Troy, Turkey and died in Troy, Turkey. Gelio the Trojan had the following child: Bosabiliano (Basabellian I).
BOSABILIANO - Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan King of Troy, Turkey. Bosabiliano had the following child: Plaserion (Plaserius I) the Trojan and had the following child: Pleseron the Trojan.
PLESERON - Pleseron the Trojan (Plaserio / Plaserius I). Pleseron the Trojan had the following child: Eliacor the Trojan.
ELIACOR - Eliacor the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians. Zaberian 'Gaberiano' King of the Cimmerians. He was born in the Black Sea Region of Troy, Turkey. Eliacor the Trojan had the following child: Zaberian the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians.
ZABERIAN - Zaberian the Trojan, King of the Cimmerians. Zaberian Child of Zaberian: Plaserius II the Trojan. The Cimmerians were an ancient Eastern Iranic equestrian nomadic people originating in the Pontic–Caspian steppe, part of whom subsequently migrated into West Asia. Although the Cimmerians were culturally Scythian, they formed an ethnic unit separate from the Scythians proper, to whom the Cimmerians were related and who displaced and replaced the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians themselves left no written records, and most information about them is largely derived from Assyrian records of the 8th to 7th centuries BC and from Graeco-Roman authors from the 5th century BC and later.
PLASERIUS - Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians (Zaberian) 'Gaberiano' King of the Eliacor the Trojan, Pleseron. the Trojan, Plaserio (Plaserius I) the Trojan, Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan, Gelio the Trojan, Esdron the Trojan, Franco of the Scythians, Genger of the Scythians, Helenus of Troy King of the Scythians, Priam Podarces (High King of Troy) was born in 1025 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died about 830 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. Notes for Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians: Plaserius II the Trojan Child: Antenor I the Trojan Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians had the following child: Antenor King of the Cimmerians I was born in 1150 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in 1235 BC in Minor, Yakutia, Russia.
The following list of kings comes from a mid-7th century document known as Chronicle of Fredegar and deals with the genealogy of the Merovingian kings, earlier generations appear to be based almost exclusively on Gregory of Tours. Royal Genealogy or The Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings and Princes, By James Anderson, 1732, pp. 118/119. The Sicambrian and Merovingian kings, are ancestors of the present Kings of France (DNA haplogroup G2a).
ANTENOR - Antenor King of the Cimmerians I (Plaserius II 'Plaserio' King of the Cimmerians), Zaberian 'Gaberiano' King of the Cimmerians, Eliacor the Trojan, Pleseron the Trojan, Plaserio (Plaserius I) the Trojan, Bosabiliano (Basabelian I) the Trojan, Gelio the Trojan, Esdron the Trojan, Franco of the Scythians, Genger of the Scythians, Helenus of Troy King of the Scythians, Priam Podarces (High King of Troy) was born in 1150 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in 1235 BC in Minor, Yakutia, Russia. Notes for Antenor King of the Cimmerians I: Antenor I the Trojan King of Troy Child: Priam II Trianus the Trojan Antenor King of the Cimmerians I had the following child: Priamas II King of the Cimmerians was born in 965 BC in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. He died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
PRIAMAS II - Priamas II King of the Cimmerians, was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
HELENUS II - Helenus II the Cimmerians, was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
PLESRON - Plesron II of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
BASABELLIAN II - Basabellian II or Basabillano was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
ALEXANDER - Alexandre King of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
ALMADION - Almadion King of the Cimmerians was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor.
DILULIUS I - He was born in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor and died in Troy, Troad, Phrygia, Asia Minor. By the 3rd century, the region in which they and their neighbors had lived had become part of the territory of the Franks, which was a new name that possibly represented a new alliance of older tribes, possibly including the Sicambri. However, many Sicambri had been moved into the Roman empire by this time.
DILULIUS II - Dilulius II, King of the Cimmerians Sicambri, born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece. The 8th century anonymous "Frankish Chronicle" (De Rebus Francorum) states that after the fall of Troy in 1181 about 12,000 Trojans fled by ship across the Black Sea to the mouth of the Tanais. From there they spread to the Maeotic Swamps and as far as the borders of Pannonia. This account agrees very well with the report of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in his "Roman Antiquities," I, 46, 47, who states that after the fall of Troy "... a larger number escaped than were taken prisoner ... the Achaeans, intent on capturing the citadel, were giving no thought to the pursuit of the multitude who were escaping from the city .... Aeneas abandoned the palace; and opening the gates he marched forth with the rest of the fugitives in good order ... they were joined not only by the inhabitants of Dardanus ... but by the whole populace of Ophyrnium .... this force of the Trojans became a very large one." In other words, a large number of people escaped. Dionysius goes on to state that they obtained permission from the Greeks to travel about unmolested in order to find a new country in which to settle. Aeneas headed to the Greek coast near Thessalonika, and from there southwards to the Mediterranean and Italy. But others took a different route. "... Ascanius, his eldest son, with some of the allies, chiefly Phrygians, (went) to the country of Dascylitis (near the Bosphorus) .... But Ascanius did not tarry there for any length of time ...." He returned to the site of Troy and tried to reestablish the city.
MARCOMIR I - King of the of Cimmerians and first King of the Sicambri, he was born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece. Marcomir I brought his people out of Scythia and conquered Gaul where they settled. He died in 412 B.C. first King of the Sicambri, who took possession of what is now Holland in the year of the world 3573. In 3582, he crossed the Rhine and conquered part of Gaul, of which land he made his brother the governor. The Sicambri were of the Scythian race, and were settled at the mouth of the Danube but were driven onward by the Goths to the border of Germany and the German Sea. Here they remained, and were later called Franks, Franconians and French. King Marcomir I. died in the year of the world 3592, or B.C. 412.
PRIAM IV - Priam, IV, King of the Cimmerians, Sicambri born in Turkey and died in Troad, Troy, Greece.
HELENUS VI - Helenus IV King of the Cimmerians, he was from the Black Sea Region of Ancient Turkey, Troad, Troy, Greece and died in Simmeria, in the Black Sea Region of Ancient Turkey, in the Troad, Troy, Greece.
ANTENOR IV - King Antenor IV / II of Cimmerians, King of the Cimmerians German: Antenor IV / II the Sicambri of France, King of the Cimmerians Birth: circa - 512 Sambre BC, death: circa -442BC (62-78) 443 BCE, Russia.
MARCOMIR I - King Marcomir I / II the of Cimmerians, King of the Cimmerians German: Marcomir I / II the Sicambri of France, King of the Cimmerians (ca 495 BC Cimmerians-412 BC) West-Friezland, Gelders, Netherlands Place of Burial: Forced from, Sythia by Goths, to, Friezland married to Queen Leah of Sicambri.
ANTENOR I (II), King of the Cimmerians, on the Black-Sea, or the Enxin, of Trojan Blood 443 BC the year before the Institution of the Roman Caesars in the second year of Nehemiah's Government at Jerusalem, and 22nd year of the Persian King Artaxerxes.
MARCOMIR II, King of the Sicambri. Next year he brought the people out of Scythia and seated them at the head of the Danube, and was made Governor of that, he with 175,658 men was expelled out of Scythia by the Goths. Then he planted them in the country, part of Gaul which was now called West-Frieszland, Gelders and Holland. Nine years after he crossed the Rhine and conquered part of Gaul and made his brother Governor; after which they never ceased till they had conquered all of Gaul. He reigned 30 years and died 412 BC in the 20th Year of the Peloponnesian War.
ANTENOR II, King. He conquered Phrysia and slew all the males. When Artaxerxes, king of Persian having finished the Cyprian War, led an army of 300,000 men against the Cadusians Cambra, from her they are called Sicambria. Cambra was the daughter of Belinus the Great, a legendary king of the Britons, and married to Antenor, the 2nd King of the Cimmerians.
PRIAMUS, King. In his time the people began to speak the Saxon Language. He died 358 BC, 5 years after the death of the Great Camillus at Rome and in the first year of Darius king of Persia.
HELENUS, King, He erected an Oratory to Pallas, whom he worshiped by sacrificing to her captive children, and he slew 16,000 Gauls in Battle in the Land of the Tungri. But, after he had reigned 19 Years, he died in 339 BC, the year before Darius king of Persia was poisoned and in the 3rd year of Jaddus High-Priest of Jerusalem.
DIOCLES, King. He aided the Saxons against the Goths and in his absence the Gauls invaded his Kingdom, but by the valour of his captains they were expelled and lost 78,000 Men, besides captives and children, whom the Sicambri sacrificed to Jupiter in honour of their victory. He died 300 BC, the year that Seleucus founded the City of Antioch in Upper Syria, in the 13th year of his era, the first year of ProIomy King of Egypt, and first year of Simon the Just High-Priest of Jerusalem. His son Helenus became king but was deposed for Bassanus.
BASSANUS Magnus King. He was Priest also, and so very severe in his laws that he executed his own son for adultery and put away his wife for revealing him for it, and sent her to her father. In the 8th Year of his reign he built many forts against the incursions of the Gauls and in his 16th year built the city of Bassanburg, where many of his successors had their residence. Tribemius calls this Aquisgrane or Aix la Chapel. Then after two years his father-in-law, to avenge his daughter's wrong, came against him, but being too weak, was forced to return. About that time flourished Deligastus, the great Prophet of the Sicambri. In his 30th year he conquered from the Saxons all the country from the entrance of the Rhine to Mentz, and in his 29th year of his reign, he slew Thaborinus King of the Togazani (now Westphalini.) Then in 250 BC he commended his son to the people and was seen no more, in the 36th year of his reign, in the first year of Danas II, the son of Simon the Just High-Priest, 2 years after the Carthaginians were beaten in Sicily by the Consul Petellus, in the 35th year of Ptolomy Philadelphus, and the Year that Regulus was butchered at Carthage.
CLODOMIR I, King. In his 3rd year the Gauls demanded restitution of their lands, but he overcame them by the aid of the King of Thuringia and Saxony. He died 232 BC in the 15th year of Ptolomy Euergetes King of Egypt, the year that Marcus Portius Cato Mayor was born.
NICANOR, King. He was very successful in combining the military to defeat the Sclavenians and Goths with much spoil. In his third year as king he aided his father-in-law, the king of Britain, whose daughter Constantina, he married to defeat the Orcades and Orkneys. In his 15th year he was defeated by the Goths that came out of Scandie, but afterwards expelled them. He died 198 BC being the 25th Year of Antiochus Magnus King of Syria, and in the 7th year of Ptolomy Epiphanes King of Egypt.
MARCOMIR III, King. He was successful against the Romans, Gauls, Goths, &c. In his 5th year he commanded the Gauls to be written in rhyme and sung by the Priests. He died 170 BC, the 6th year of Antiochus Epiphanes king of Syria, while Romans warred against the Perfeus king of Macedon.
CLODIUS, King. In his 13th year the Romans and Gauls miserably waste his country, but being next year aided by the Saxons he defeated them, but died himself in the battle 159 BC in the 22d Year of Ptolomy Philometor and 4th Year of Demetrias Soter in the 2nd Year of Jonathan the Brother of Paccabacus Prince and Priest of the Jews.
ANTENOR III, King. He concluded a peace with the Gauls for 10 years and abolished the custom of sacrificing his enemies children, he died 143 BC, in the 3rd Year of Ptolomy Physcon, King of Egypt, and first Year of Simon the other brother of Paccabacus Prince and Priest of the Jews and 3 years after the destruction of Carthage.
CLODOMIR II, King. In his 10th year the Gauls breaking the peace were overcome, he died 123 BC, the first year of Antiocbus Griphus King of Syria, when Caius Gracchus was chosen at Rome.
MERODOCUS, King. His 5th Year he levied an Army of 220,000 of his own people with Saxons and Germans, and entered Italy as far as Ravenna and greatly annoyed the Roman Colonies; and in his 15th year because of several inundations of the sea, and the Rhine, the Sicambri and Cimbri were forced to transplant themselves to the Hercynian Woods, where are now the countries of Bohemia, &c. In his 20th Year the Romans and Gauls invaded their territories and set the Goths and Sclavonians on the Saxons so they might not aid the Sicambri, who in his 23rd year joined the Cimbri, then very powerful; but were overcome by Darius. After this defeat Merodachus with a fresh army marched against the Gauls, gave them a great defeat and settled again in their old country. He died 95 BC, the 2nd year of Seleucus, King of Syria, and 11th year of Alexander, Prince of the Jews.
CASSANDER, King in his second year the Romans and Gauls pass the Mose and enter his kingdom, and in the 9th year he aided the ArabIus King of the Saxons against Berobissa King of the Goths, who after 5 years again invaded Germany: but Cassander with Damerus king of the Thuringi, expelled the Goths. He died 74 BC in the start of the third Mithridatic War.
ANTHARIUS, King in his 20th year some of Caesar's soldiers revolt to the Sicambri who refused to deliver them up at Caesar's at demand; wherefore Caesar joined the Ubij against them and entered their country without doing anything memorable, which was the first year that Caesar came into Britain, 54 BC, while Crassus spoiled the Temple of Jerusalem. In his 25th year he took Mentz at last and 2,000 of his Men were slain by the Gauls 39 BC, was the last king of the Sicambri for after him they were called Frank or Franconians after the name of his son and successor Francus.
FRANCUS succeeded 39 BC, in his third year the Goths and People of Scania encroach upon the country and remain there for 10 years, but then they were expelled by Francus; and next year the name of Sicambri was changed to Franci by an edict at the at people's request, and the year after being at war with the Goths, Gauls wasted his dominions, but he levied an Army of 300,000 men and invading their country took much spoil, and killed 200,000 people of all sexes and ages. The Romans hearing of this victory sent Lollius with force into Germany to aid the Saxons, but Francus in the first battle slew 18,000 Saxons; then 4 years after this, Francus sent his son against the Romans, who gave them a great overthrow; and next year he made a perpetual league with German Princes. He died 8 BC, the 19th year of Augustus (Emperor 27 BC-14 AD) and 27th of Herod, King of Judea.
CLODIUS or CLOGIO, King of the Franconians. He waged war with the Romans. In his 18th year 10 AD, Darus was defeated in Germany by Darminius the Chief of a people in Germany much like the Franconians and their Confederates. He died 20 AD after reigning 31 years, the Year that Tibertius the Emperor contrived to poison Darminius.
MARCOMIR IV, King, 32 AD. His brother Herimerus was king before him. He died in 50 AD in the reign of Emperor Claudius.
CLODOMIR III or CLODOMER III, King in 51 AD. He recovered all that his Predecessors had lost and fought with the Romans near Mentz and wasted the country of Triers. He died 63 A.D. and reigned 12, in the reign of the Emperor Nero.
ANTENOR IV or ANTHENOR IV, King, 63 AD. He reigned in the right of Vespasian. [According to the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, on-line under the title: Descendants of Yeshua Ben Yossef - Prieure de Sion (translated as Priory of Sion). Anthenor VI was married about 53 AD to Sarah Tamar (meaning palm tree) born September, 33 AD, daughter of Yeshuah Ben Yossef [Jesus] and Mariamne [Mary] of Magdala on the Sea of Galilee, Mary was the daughter of Cyrus of Magdala, King of the Benjamite Tribe who was killed by Herod. In the Gospel of Philip 63:32-64:10, Mary's described as the "companion" of Jesus, but the word for companion is also used for wife. It also states that Jesus [... loved] Mary Magdalene more than [all] the disciples [and used to] kiss her [often] on her [lips]. The rest of [the disciples...] said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?"]
RATHERIUS, King, 69 AD. He renewed the league with the Germans and Saxons. 74 AD and died 90 AD, in the reign of Domitian, and was buried at Rotterdam, which he had built, having reigned 20 years. Claudius of Turin, who acquired his knowledge not indeed in Italy. Andreas, Agnellus the historian of the archbishops of Ravenna, Anastasius Bibliothecarius the collector of the lives of the popes, Joannes Diaconus the biographer of the archbishops of Naples; later in the tenth century, Atto of Vercelli, Ratherius of Verona, Luitprand of Cremona, the satirical and bitter historian of his time, these are almost the only names of distinguished men which Italy during this period can present. A history of the church / translated from the German By Edward Cox, p. 243.
RICHEMER, King, 90 AD. He fought with the Romans and Gauls near Basana (now Aix la Chapel) in 99 AD, being aided by Wunderkind, King of the Saxons and Derminfrid, King of the Thuringi in 101 AD. He opposed the Goths who invaded Germany and slew 20,000 of them and put them to flight, but this is contradicted by some historians. The Franks, Germans and Saxons planted colonies in that part of Germany which is now called Brandenburg ca. 106. Richemer died 114 AD, reigned 24 in the reign of Trajan.
ODOMAR, King, 114 AD. He made a league with the Romans and Gauls, and 117 AD built the town of Odomarsheim. He died 128 AD, having reigned 14 years in the reign of Abrian.
Prior to the Merovingians taking on the their new name from Merovech the founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks, which later became the dominant Frankish tribe, they were referred to as Sicambrians / Sicamber / Sugambri by the Romans, others called them Salian / Salaii, Ligurians, Ambrones, Teutones, Thyrrenoi, Carians, Mysians, Lydians, Luwians and many other names depending on where they were living at the time. The constant changing of their name has caused confusion among many historians.
These pre-Merovingians coexisted and even intermarried with the native Scythians, and were at times even referred to as Scythians. By the fifth century, at least three main branches of Franks were apparent and the only branch which seems to have retained a genealogy of any length was that of the Sicambrian Franks. The History Files, European Kingdoms Germanic Tribes, historyfiles.co.uk. Tiberius was appointed to conduct the war in Germany, and when he passed the Rhine, all the people except the Sicambrians sent messengers to sue for peace. Augustus refused to grant it until the Sicambrians had joined the embassy; and even when they had offered this submission, they were not successful. The History of the Roman Emperors: From Augustus to the Death of Marcus Antoninus. Vol. 1, By Robert Lynam, 1850, p. 51.
As the Salian or Salaii, they were a loose alliance and would band together during times of war or when negotiating with the Romans. Each tribe consisted of extended family groups centered on the highest ranking family. The importance of the family bond was made clear by the Salic Law, which ordained that an individual had no right to protection if not part of a family. In 358, they formed an agreement with the Romans, which allowed them to keep settlements south of the delta in Toxandria, between the rivers Scheldt, Maas, and Demer.
Julius Caesar tells us the Salian men were “born for war and raids“ and “No swamp or marsh will stop them.” Strabo describes them as Germanic, and that beyond them are the Suevi (later called Alamanni). Gregory of Tours tells us the Salian won a great battle at Cambrai under their king Chlodion. “With the Salians at Dispargum and the Ripuarians at Cologne, the Franks became the wall of the Romans and resisted barbarians crossing the Rhine at Mainz. They are described as having a fierceness of their looks; the wrinkled scowl about their brows” … with wild blue eyes; large limbs compared to the “little stature” of the Romans and long fair hair. The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature, Vol. 9, 1893, p. 723.
These Germanic tribes joined together and appeared on the edge of the Roman Empire in the early Christian era for defense or offensive operations against the Romans. They were identified as Franks in Roman sources in the mid-fifth century and this meant "the robust," "the brave," and later, by extension, the meaning preferred by the Franks themselves, "the free." A Brief History of France, Fact on File Publishing, 2011, By Paul F. State, p. 34. The Salian Franks inhabited the sea-coast and the Ripuarian Franks dwelt on the banks of the river Rhine.
"The origin of the Franks is in the population of the Sugambri, of the Ambrones, that joined the Chatti, the first seem to be relatives of the Ligurian Ambrones" … "The Ambrones and the Sicambri (or Sugambri), who shared their name with the Ligurian Ambrones, belonged to these originary people.” Origins of European Peoples: Part One: Ancient History, By Mario Mosetton, 2018.
Tacitus uses Cimbri, which he knows to be another designation for Teutones; "both he and Strabo give the Cimbri the locality of the Sicambri,", because Cimbri, Sicambri, Teutones, and lastly, [Salian] Franks, are all one. Epea Pterocenta, Conveying Revelations of the Past, By Nathan Lazarus Benmohel, 1847, p. 28. Another form of the name Sicambri used in Europe was Sigambri and was represented by Ptolemy as the Scymbi-Scyths in the Hugie area of Scythia.
In his Liber De Spectaculis, Martial tells us: "With locks twisted into a knot, are come the Sicambrians. The Suevi are mentioned as having their hair twisted into a “Suevian knot” and according to Tacitus (Germania 4,2), have fierce blue eyes, blond hair, huge body frames. The Suevi were closely associated with the Sicambri and often intermarried. At the crucial moment of Clovis' baptism, Remigius declared; “Bend down your head, Sicamber. Honour what you have burnt, burn what you have honoured.” The link between the Sicambri and the Salian Franks, who were Clovis' people, was being invoked. Further examples of Salians being called Sicambri can be found in the Panegyrici Latini, the Life of King Sigismund, the Life of King Dagobert, and many other sources.
"According to Pliny the Elder (AD75), the barbarian tribes were multitudinous: Vandals (that is, Burgundians, Varini, Charini, and Gutones), Ingvaeones (Cimbri, Teutones, and Chauci), Isthaeones (probably synonymous with Ingvaeones and the Sicambri / Cimbri), Herminones (Suebi, Hermanduri, Chatti, and Cherusci), and the Peucini (or Bastarnae)." The Gothic: A Very Short Introduction By Nick Groom, p. 1.
The Sygambri, Sugambri, Sigambri, Sycambri or Sicambri, were early one of the most powerful peoples of Germany, they belonged to the Istaevones, and dwelt north of the Ubii on the Rhine, from whence they spread towards the north as far as the Lippe. They were conquered by Tiberius in the reign of Augustus, and a large number of them were transplanted to Gaul, where they received settlements between the Maas and the Rhine as Roman subjects. New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography, 1850, By William Smith, p. 734.
Lucius Annaeus Florus (ca 74–130 AD), a Roman historian, wrote: “The Cherusci, Suebi and Sicambri formed an alliance by crucifying twenty Roman centurions, but later submitted to Nero Slaudius Drusus in 9 B.C. and were taken into Gaul and settled in lands near the Rhine.” These previous ‘Sea dwelling’ Salian Franks lived North and East of Limes in the Dutch coastal area and in the 5th century migrated throughout Belgium and into northern France.
MARCOMIR IV, King, 128 AD. He rebuilt Marpurg in the Landgraviate of Hesse 146 AD and died 149 AD and reigned 32 years in the reign of Antoninus Plus.
CLODOMIR, King, reigned ca. 149 AD. He was born in 104 in Austrasia (France) and died in 166 at age 62. His wife was Hasilda or Hafilda, Princess of the Rugij. He reigned during the years of Antonius the philosopher.
PHARABERT, King, reigned ca. 166. He renewed the ancient league with the Germans and died ca.186 and reigned 20 years in the reign of Commodus.
SUNNO, King of the Salian Franks 137-213. He reigned 186 AD, had much war with the Romans and Gauls. Upon the death of the Emperor Severus, he entered Gaul and wasted it with fire and sword. He reigned 28 years in the reign of Emperor Caracalla (previously known as Antoninus).
HILDERIC, King of the Franks, ca. 213. He built a castle in an isle of the Rhine and called it Hildeburg, 214; reduced his Franks to civility and politeness AD 226, and caused them to alter their mean buildings; reigned forty years during the reign of the Emperor Trebonianus Gallus.
BARTHERUS, King, reigned ca. 253. The Franks and Germans spoiled Italy as far as revenue in 264 and razed the town of Aragon to the ground.
CLODIUS I, King of the West Franks, reigned ca. 272. In the time of the Emperor Aurelian, he built Orleans in 275 and recovered Gaul from the Germans after slewing 40,000 in 277. In 283 AD he entered Gaul, and after having slain many Romans, recovered some of that which he had formerly lost, but the Romans again expelled him in 289. He died ca. 298 and reigned 27 years in the reign of Diocletian.
WALTER, King c. 298. He died in 306 after reigning 8 years in the first year of Constantine the Great.
DAGOBERT, King c. 306. He was a mild and loving Prince to his subjects, he died ca. 317 after he reigned 11 years during the reign of Constantine the Great.
CLODIUS IV, King c. 317. The Romans and Gaul invaded Franconia in 318 and he was slain in the battle in 319 during the reign of Constantine the Great.
MARCOMIR V, King. In 347 in Germania, Inferior, of the Roman Empire of the West, He was a Frankish duke (dux, leader). Gregory of Tours mentions him in his Historia Francorum together with dukes Genobaud and Sunno. Gregory doubts that they were called kings. They crossed the Rhine, raided the Roman province of Germania and threatened Cologne, in the latter years of emperor Magnus Maximus (ca. 388). They reportedly also led Chatti and Ampsivarii.
CLODOMIR, King. He succeeded in 319, he aided the Sarmata against the Romans, of whom he slew 36,000 in 321 AD. The Almas and Thuringi being at continual war the Franks were permitted to plant themselves where Holland, Utrich, Gelders, part of Frisia, Westphalia, and Brabant now lie. Clodomir died 337, the year after Constantine died; he reigned 10 years.
RICHIMIR, King, reigned in 337. He opposed Constantine with 200,000 men in 342. He fought unadvisedly with the Romans and was slain in battle c. 350 AD. He reigned 23 years in the reign of Constantine. His wife was Hastila.
THEODOMIR, King, reigned c. 350. He was taken prisoner by Roman Emperor Julian, who slew him in 360.
CLODIUS V, King, reigned b. ca. 360. To avenge his father’s death, he took Cambray, slew many Romans, entered Gaul and annexed much of it to his Dominions ca. 361, he died 378, reigned 18 years in the reign of Valens in the east and Gratian in the west. King Clodius V had a son and heir named Dagobert who died in 389, leaving a his son and heir Genebald who died without male issue, Dagobert’s daughter Argota was arranged to marry her cousin Pharamond, son of Marcomir V (son of King Clodius V).
DAGOBERT, became the first Duke of the Franks under Roman rule. His son and heir Genebald died without male issue, so Dagobert’s daughter Argota married her first cousin Pharamond, son of Marcomir V.
PHARAMOND, King of all the Franks, reigned c. 365 in Westphalia, Germany, and in 430, the Franks were united under one crown. He became king of the west Franks in 419 AD and king of Westphalia in 420 AD at his father-in-law’s death in 419 AD. His wife was Argotta, known as mother of all the Franks, and daughter of Clodius V. In the Acts of the Franks, the first king of the Franks who exercised royal power was Pharamond, son of Marcomir. He was succeeded by his son Chlodio.
CHLODIO (c400-c440) King of the Salian Franks from Thuringian territory at the castle of Duisburg, he invaded and defeated the Romans and settled in Northern Gaul with other Salians in 428. “We hear (in Gregory of Tours) that the Salians, coming ‘from Dispargum (Disiburg, the city of the goddesses), in Toringia,” won a great battle at Cambrai under Chlodion their king, and penetrated, even as far as the Loire. He married Basina, daughter of Wedelphus, king of the Thuringii.
MEROVECH (c425-480) was founder of the Merovingian dynasty of the Salian Franks, which later became the dominant Frankish tribe. After Chlodio, Merovech was king of the Salian Franks. It is not known if he was the son of Chlodio; Gregory of Tours says he was of Chlodio's stock and names him as the father of Childeric.
CHILDERIC I (c435-481) He was first of the Frankish rulers, who were under Roman rule, who was referred to as a Merovingian ruler based on the name of his father. Childeric, the Merovingian king, feared losing his power through the loss of his hair. He was buried with hundreds of pure gold bees with red glass wings. Basina left her first husband, King Bisinus and went to Roman Gaul to ask for the hand of Childeric I, a Frankish king. Basina was the daughter of the Thuringian king Basin and his wife Basina, a Saxon Princess.
CLOVIS (466-11/27/511) chosen to be first king of the Franks, he married Clotilde, daughter of King Chilperic of Burgundy. She was born in Lyons, France in 474 and married Clovis in 493. Remigius of Reims (ca. 437-533) wrote to Clovis after he succeeded his father Childeric in 481/482. Clovis prayed to "Clotilde's God" and promised to convert if victorious in battle. After his success, Clovis abjured heathenism and embraced Christianity, with great pomp and solemnity, at Rheims, where on Christmas Day of 496, he was baptized by Bishop Saint Remigius (St. Remy) of Reims; and the greater number of Franks, following his example, became Christians. The church, in consideration of this addition to its followers, and in remembrance of the act, has canonized Clotilde. He married Clotilde, she was later Saint Clotilde. The New World: Extra series, Issues 25-105, 1842, p. 2.
CHLOTHAR I (c497-11/29/561) King of the Franks, he married Ingund, daughter of King Baderic of Thuringia. Baderic (ca. 480–529), was son of Bisinus and Menia, and a co-king of the Thuringii. He and his brothers Hermanfrid and Berthar succeeded their father Bisinus. After Hermanfrid defeated Berthar in battle, he invited King Theuderic I of Metz to help him defeat Baderic in return for half of the kingdom. Theuderic I agreed and Baderic was defeated and killed in 529. Hermanfrid became the sole king. Baderic is known to have two daughters: Ingund and Aregund, who became the 3rd and 4th wives respectively of Clothar I.
CHARIBERT I (c517–12/567) King of Paris, Neustria, Aquitaine, he married Ingoberga daughter of the Burgundian king Godegisel and his wife Theudelinde.
CHARIBERT II (c555-636) Count of Hesbaye and King of Aquitaine, married Wulfgurd of Hesbaye.
CHRODOBERTUS I (c585-4/8/630) Count of Hesbaye, he married Glismoda of Bavaria.
CHRODOBERTUS II (c625-c678) Count Palatine of Neustria, married Doda daughter of Warinus Count of Poitiers and Kunza of Treves daughter of St. Chlodulf Bishop of Metz and Childa or Hilda de Metz.
LAMBERT (c669-c742) 1st Count of Hesbaye, married Chrotlind (c678-) daughter of Theodric III, King of Neustria (Belgium), Austrasia and Clotilda (c655-) daughter of Ansegisel, [son of St. Arnulf ] and Saint Begga of Landen.
RUPERT / ROBERT I (697-764) Count of Wormsgau and Rheingau, he married Williswinda, daughter of Adelheim of Wormsgau.
THURINGBERT (4/735-6/1/770) Count of Wormsgau and Rheingau, and Duke of Hesbaye, he married Theoderata of Wormsgau.
ROBERT II (c765-7/12/807) Count of Wormsgau and Duke of Hesbaye, he married Hiltrud daughter of Odilo, Duke of Bavaria and Hiltrud daughter of Charles "The Hammer" Martel and Rotrude of Hesbaye.
ROBERT III (c800-12/7/834) Count of Rheingau and Wormsgau, he married Waldrada / Waldrat daughter of Count Adrian d'Orleans and Waldrat of Autun. Adrian / Hadrian was the son of Gerold I of Vinzgau and Emma d'Alamannie. Waldrat was the daughter of Theuderic (Thierry), Count of Autun and Aldana / Alda daughter of Charles Martel and Rotrude. Theuderic was the son of King Dagobert III.
ROBERT IV THE STRONG (c820-7/2/866) of Worms, Margrave in Neustria, having origins in Hesbaye, he married Adelaide daughter of Hugh of Tours and Ava / Bava of Paris, Adelaide's first husband was Conrad, Count of Auxerre. Hugh of Tours and Ava were also parents of Ermengarde of Tours who married Lothar I, son of King Louis the Pious. Robert's rise came at the expense of the Rorigonids, designed to curb their regional power and to defend Neustria from numerous Viking and Breton raids.
KING ROBERT V (SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS ROBERT I) (866-6/15/923) He was king of Western Francia (later France) and Count of Poitiers and Paris and Marquis of Neustria and Orleans. He married Beatrice, daughter of Herbert I, Lord of Peronne and St. Quentin and Bertha, daughter of Guerri de Morvois and Eva of Roussillon.
PRINCE HUGH THE GREAT (c900-6/16/956) Duke of the Franks, Count of Paris, Orleans, and the Vexin and was called the father of France. Hugh married first Judith, (c900-925) daughter of Roger du Maine and Rothilde, daughter of King Charles the Bald and Richildis de Provence, she died childless in 925. He next married in 926, Eadhild, who died childless in 937, she was the daughter of Edward the Elder, king of the Anglo Saxons. Eadhild's full sister, Eadgifu, was the wife of the deposed king of the West Franks, Charles the Simple, after his death Eadgifu married Herbert Vermandois III, nephew of King Robert and his wife Beatrice Vermandois. Another sister Eadgyth married Otto, Holy Roman Emperor.
Hugh the Great’s marriages were masterfully selected to provide him with ultimate protection and connections. Due to his first two wives dying childless, it appears these marriages were in name only. His marriage to Eadgifu protected the West Franks from falling into the hands of potential rivals for the Frankish throne. In 926 Edward's son, king Æthelstan, received an embassy from his cousin, Adelolf, Count of Boulogne, on behalf of Hugh, and Æthelstan agreed to give his half-sister, Eadhild, in marriage in return for an enormous quantity of gifts and relics. According to William of Malmesbury, these included spices, jewels, many swift horses, an elaborate onyx vase, a crown of solid gold, the sword of Constantine the Great, Charlemagne's lance and a piece of the Crown of Thorns.
Hugh’s relationship with Gerlotte (914-937), daughter of Theobald de Blois and Richilde de Bourges appears to be one of deep affection. During their relationship, Gerlotte was married to Hrolf Rollo Thurstan, "Brico" Briquebec (885-945)
and Hugh was still married to Eadgifu. Gerlotte’s marriage was arranged by Hugh the Great and her father undoubtedly for protection and connections as well. Her Theobald was the vassal of Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks and count of Paris, and one of the most powerful man in the kingdom of France. Not only protection was afforded Hugh and Gerlotte, their pseudo marriages allowed them to be together without raising suspicion among his many enemies. After Brico's death in 945, the children of Gerlotte and Hugh inherited his vast holdings.
Gerlotte mother, Richilde de Bourges, was the half-sister of Judith of Maine, the first wife of Hugh the Great. His children with Gerlotte were: 1) Anslech 'Lancelot' de Bricquebec b. c933 m. Gillette de Beaulac de Tillières; 2) Eremberge de Bricquebec b. c935 m. Torf Pont-Audemer; and 3) Ansfrid I "the Dane" de Bricquebec b. c937 m. Helloe de Beaulac de Tillières. After the death of Gerlotte in 937, Hugh married Hedwig, daughter of Henry the Fowler, king (c876-7/2/936) Duke of Saxony from 912 and the King of East Francia from 919, and Matilda of Ringelheim. He turned down the crown of France three times and ruled France in between kings. His children with Hedwig were: 1. Beatrice (c938-) m. Frederick I, Duke of Upper Lorraine; 2. Hugh Capet (c940–996) m. Adelaide of Aquitaine; 3. Emma (c942–3/19/968) m. Richard I, duke of Normandy, this marriage never consummated, it was purely for the protection of Richard I, Emma died at age 26 childless; 4. Otto, Duke of Burgundy (c944-2/22/963); 5. Odo-Henry (Henry I, Duke of Burgundy) (946–1002). The kings of Frances are of the rare Y-DNA haplogroup G2a as the ancestors of Ansfrid I.
Hugh the Great's son, Hugh Capet (940-10/24/996) was the first King of the Franks of the House of Capet from his election in 987 until his death. He succeeded the Carolingian king, Louis V. His election to king came after having to provide proof to the church council of his claim to the Merovingian ancestry. King Robert V's grandson, Hugh Capet, was asked by church council, called by Archbishop Adalbero of Rheims, to provide proof of his lineage to the last king of Neustria (later Normandy). Upon receipt of this proof, he was unanimously elected the new king of the Franks (later France). His proof aside, he was a direct descendant of Clothair I, his father King Robert V of West Francia married Beatrice (880-3/26/931), daughter of Herbert I, Count of Vermandois, son of Pepin II of Vermandois, grandson of King Bernard of Italy, great grandson of Pepin-Carloman, King of Italy, and great great grandson of Charlemagne.
Hugh the Great’s marriages were masterfully selected to provide him with ultimate protection and connections. Due to his first two wives dying childless, it appears these marriages were in name only. His marriage to Eadgifu protected the West Franks from falling into the hands of potential rivals for the Frankish throne. In 926 Edward's son, king Æthelstan, received an embassy from his cousin, Adelolf, Count of Boulogne, on behalf of Hugh, and Æthelstan agreed to give his half-sister, Eadhild, in marriage in return for an enormous quantity of gifts and relics. According to William of Malmesbury, these included spices, jewels, many swift horses, an elaborate onyx vase, a crown of solid gold, the sword of Constantine the Great, Charlemagne's lance and a piece of the Crown of Thorns.
Hugh’s relationship with Gerlotte (914-937), daughter of Theobald de Blois and Richilde de Bourges appears to be one of deep affection. During their relationship, Gerlotte was married to Hrolf Rollo Thurstan, "Brico" Briquebec (885-945)
and Hugh was still married to Eadgifu. Gerlotte’s marriage was arranged by Hugh the Great and her father undoubtedly for protection and connections as well. Her Theobald was the vassal of Hugh the Great, duke of the Franks and count of Paris, and one of the most powerful man in the kingdom of France. Not only protection was afforded Hugh and Gerlotte, their pseudo marriages allowed them to be together without raising suspicion among his many enemies. After Brico's death in 945, the children of Gerlotte and Hugh inherited his vast holdings.
Gerlotte mother, Richilde de Bourges, was the half-sister of Judith of Maine, the first wife of Hugh the Great. His children with Gerlotte were: 1) Anslech 'Lancelot' de Bricquebec b. c933 m. Gillette de Beaulac de Tillières; 2) Eremberge de Bricquebec b. c935 m. Torf Pont-Audemer; and 3) Ansfrid I "the Dane" de Bricquebec b. c937 m. Helloe de Beaulac de Tillières. After the death of Gerlotte in 937, Hugh married Hedwig, daughter of Henry the Fowler, king (c876-7/2/936) Duke of Saxony from 912 and the King of East Francia from 919, and Matilda of Ringelheim. He turned down the crown of France three times and ruled France in between kings. His children with Hedwig were: 1. Beatrice (c938-) m. Frederick I, Duke of Upper Lorraine; 2. Hugh Capet (c940–996) m. Adelaide of Aquitaine; 3. Emma (c942–3/19/968) m. Richard I, duke of Normandy, this marriage never consummated, it was purely for the protection of Richard I, Emma died at age 26 childless; 4. Otto, Duke of Burgundy (c944-2/22/963); 5. Odo-Henry (Henry I, Duke of Burgundy) (946–1002). The kings of Frances are of the rare Y-DNA haplogroup G2a as the ancestors of Ansfrid I.
Hugh the Great's son, Hugh Capet (940-10/24/996) was the first King of the Franks of the House of Capet from his election in 987 until his death. He succeeded the Carolingian king, Louis V. His election to king came after having to provide proof to the church council of his claim to the Merovingian ancestry. King Robert V's grandson, Hugh Capet, was asked by church council, called by Archbishop Adalbero of Rheims, to provide proof of his lineage to the last king of Neustria (later Normandy). Upon receipt of this proof, he was unanimously elected the new king of the Franks (later France). His proof aside, he was a direct descendant of Clothair I, his father King Robert V of West Francia married Beatrice (880-3/26/931), daughter of Herbert I, Count of Vermandois, son of Pepin II of Vermandois, grandson of King Bernard of Italy, great grandson of Pepin-Carloman, King of Italy, and great great grandson of Charlemagne.
The Merpeople came to Earth because of their deep desire to give to and interact with other lifeforms and because they were needed. The heart of what many of you fondly remember or sense as the Lemurian way is in truth the Siran dolphin and merpeople way. And yet, that too became jaded over time. About fifty years into the colonization of the Lemurian continent - about 136,000 years ago the Pleiadian and Andromedan hierarchies had established a fourth though sixth-dimensional City of Light inside a 14,000-foot mountain at the exact center of that continent. This peak was very similar in shape to Mount Fuji, and was the first mystery school to be established on Earth since the long Ice Age.
The last period of significant deglaciation marked the end of the most recent ice age, about 8,000 -17,000 years ago. The Younger Dryas episode in the middle of a period of global warming caused an extremely cold span hit the planet once again. It was a period known as the Younger Dryas event, a time on earth of almost unprecedented violent, long-lasting weather conditions. It reveals that there is more to prehistory than we have previously thought. The Younger Dryas was the last stage of the Pleistocene epoch that spanned from 2,580,000 to 11,700 years BP and it preceded the current, warmer Holocene epoch.
During this time period, the Holocene breached the natural dam that made its eastern border and catastrophically drained eastward, creating the Great Lakes and the Niagara Gorge and Falls, and St. Lawrence River. The huge amount of fresh water that the ‘Niagara’ dumped into the Atlantic Ocean disrupted the thermohaline circulation system and affected the climate. The Younger Dryas ~12,900 - ~11,700 years BP, was a return to glacial conditions which reversed the gradual climatic warming after the Last Glacial Maximum ~27,000 - ~20,000 years BP.
The clearest example of merfolk in Greek mythology was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite called Triton. Did the Younger Dryas cause mankind to transform into a creature who could live underwater until it was safe to return to land? Mermaid myths began about 3,000 years ago in Assyrian and have artifacts dating back to 8,000 B.C. The Yoruban civilization predates western society by 5,000 years and their gods are arguably the oldest. In their folklore we see a likeness in both Olokun and Poseidon.
One of the most famous sighting was done by Christopher Columbus himself, who wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids, but they were not beautiful, as they had the face of a man. We were introduced to Mermaids in the “Odyssey” written by Homer, who explains how the hero Ulysses had himself tied to the mast of his boat in order to listen the mermaids songs without any danger, although he is not the only one who managed to be uninjured, the Argo ship crew commanded by Jason was also unharmed. They managed to escape the bewitching melodies of the Mermaids thanks to a magical song sung by Orpheus, son of Apollo, who traveled with them.
In roughly 1000 BC, goddess Atargatis was the first mermaid of record in Assyria, which is present day Syria and Northern Iraq. The first known mention in human history of a human figure with a fish tail is from about 5000 BC, where Babylonian mythology described him as having the body of both a man and a fish. Ea was later known by the Greeks as Oannes, and by some Semitic tribes as Dagon. Nereus, father of the Nereids, was one of the Titans and was the oldest son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth). He was considered the Old Man of the Sea, and was depicted as a human with a long fishlike tail. His wife Doris was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, both of whom were children of Uranus (the Sky) and Gaia. When the Titans were overthrown by Zeus and his siblings, Nereus was replaced as ruler of the seas by Poseidon.
The first stories about mermaids, though, come from thousands of years ago. They’re from ancient Assyria. These stories say that the goddess Atargatis changed herself into a mermaid. In many other cultures, however, mermaids were seen as good creatures. They brought good luck. These stories say that the Goddess Atargatis changed herself into a mermaid. Old stories often blame mermaids for storms and shipwrecks.
The last period of significant deglaciation marked the end of the most recent ice age, about 8,000 -17,000 years ago. The Younger Dryas episode in the middle of a period of global warming caused an extremely cold span hit the planet once again. It was a period known as the Younger Dryas event, a time on earth of almost unprecedented violent, long-lasting weather conditions. It reveals that there is more to prehistory than we have previously thought. The Younger Dryas was the last stage of the Pleistocene epoch that spanned from 2,580,000 to 11,700 years BP and it preceded the current, warmer Holocene epoch.
During this time period, the Holocene breached the natural dam that made its eastern border and catastrophically drained eastward, creating the Great Lakes and the Niagara Gorge and Falls, and St. Lawrence River. The huge amount of fresh water that the ‘Niagara’ dumped into the Atlantic Ocean disrupted the thermohaline circulation system and affected the climate. The Younger Dryas ~12,900 - ~11,700 years BP, was a return to glacial conditions which reversed the gradual climatic warming after the Last Glacial Maximum ~27,000 - ~20,000 years BP.
The clearest example of merfolk in Greek mythology was the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite called Triton. Did the Younger Dryas cause mankind to transform into a creature who could live underwater until it was safe to return to land? Mermaid myths began about 3,000 years ago in Assyrian and have artifacts dating back to 8,000 B.C. The Yoruban civilization predates western society by 5,000 years and their gods are arguably the oldest. In their folklore we see a likeness in both Olokun and Poseidon.
One of the most famous sighting was done by Christopher Columbus himself, who wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids, but they were not beautiful, as they had the face of a man. We were introduced to Mermaids in the “Odyssey” written by Homer, who explains how the hero Ulysses had himself tied to the mast of his boat in order to listen the mermaids songs without any danger, although he is not the only one who managed to be uninjured, the Argo ship crew commanded by Jason was also unharmed. They managed to escape the bewitching melodies of the Mermaids thanks to a magical song sung by Orpheus, son of Apollo, who traveled with them.
In roughly 1000 BC, goddess Atargatis was the first mermaid of record in Assyria, which is present day Syria and Northern Iraq. The first known mention in human history of a human figure with a fish tail is from about 5000 BC, where Babylonian mythology described him as having the body of both a man and a fish. Ea was later known by the Greeks as Oannes, and by some Semitic tribes as Dagon. Nereus, father of the Nereids, was one of the Titans and was the oldest son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth). He was considered the Old Man of the Sea, and was depicted as a human with a long fishlike tail. His wife Doris was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, both of whom were children of Uranus (the Sky) and Gaia. When the Titans were overthrown by Zeus and his siblings, Nereus was replaced as ruler of the seas by Poseidon.
The first stories about mermaids, though, come from thousands of years ago. They’re from ancient Assyria. These stories say that the goddess Atargatis changed herself into a mermaid. In many other cultures, however, mermaids were seen as good creatures. They brought good luck. These stories say that the Goddess Atargatis changed herself into a mermaid. Old stories often blame mermaids for storms and shipwrecks.
Root races, (sometimes written as rootraces), by Helena Blavatsky - began about 150 million years ago.
1st rootrace – Polarians (started around the North Pole). Were mind creatures. Ethereal. Could assume shapes of objects or animals.
2nd rootrace – Hyperboreans.
The first and second rootraces were etheric and gradually evolved in physical form in the middle of the 3rd rootrace of Lemuria. Human bodies were enormous in those times but through development of the mental principle, became smaller and more refined.
In the middle of the 3rd rootrace, a spiritual event occured. The coming of the Lords of Flame (KUMARA). They imparted the spark of mind to humanity and given to only members of the animal kingdom with animal instinctual awareness and no mind. This period is known as individualization. The presence of these 105 kumaras created a great influx of force so powerful that a mighty storm raged over the planet destroying most of the animal kingdom (dinosaurs and humans). The spark of mind was implanted in humanity. The vibration had an immediate effect of its presence and caused the death of the animal form. This created the immediate possibility of the newly vitalized soul bodies for the purpose that new physical bodies were taken for incarnation.
This occurred in the 3rd branch race of the third subrace of the 3rd rootrace. Lemuria is expressed as 3 3 3. - 21.6 million years ago. These souls were hermaphrodite (male and female), thus reproducing themselves without a mate. Over a 3 million year period, the physical body separated. The process was completed by the 5th subrace of Lemuria
Splitting of man into two sexes. Adam and Eve … The symbolic significance of eating of the Apple was the gaining of consciousness.
3.3 Start of Individualization: Great Approach by the Lords of Flame - 21.6 million years ago.
3.4 The seed of the coming Fourth Rootrace, Atlantis – 20 million
3.5 The coming of Hierarchy and the founding of Shamballa – 18.6 million
3.5 Sexual Separation and anchoring of mental impulse – 18.6 million
4.1 Physical place Headquarter for the Mysteries, Atlantis is born 17 million
Evolution: animals decreased in size, this included man. Man used to be 30 feet tall and has decreased over time to what it is now. Cyclops (an eye in the center instead of two eyes), Titans of old belonged to the 4th Atlantean rootrace. Written in the Hindu Puranas, the Greek Myths and Homer. They built the ancient structures like the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico and Peru.
There are more statues in different sizes, said to represent the sizes of the 5th root races of Atlantean Root Race. Science claims that animals decreased in size as time went by while claiming that man stayed the same size, when man was as tall as dinosaurs and were evolving smaller.
Root races, (sometimes written as rootraces), by Helena Blavatsky - began about 150 million years ago.
1st rootrace – Polarians (started around the North Pole). Were mind creatures. Ethereal. Could assume shapes of objects or animals.
2nd rootrace – Hyperboreans.
The first and second rootraces were etheric and gradually evolved in physical form in the middle of the 3rd rootrace of Lemuria. Human bodies were enormous in those times but through development of the mental principle, became smaller and more refined.
In the middle of the 3rd rootrace, a spiritual event occured. The coming of the Lords of Flame (KUMARA). They imparted the spark of mind to humanity and given to only members of the animal kingdom with animal instinctual awareness and no mind. This period is known as individualization. The presence of these 105 kumaras created a great influx of force so powerful that a mighty storm raged over the planet destroying most of the animal kingdom (dinosaurs and humans). The spark of mind was implanted in humanity. The vibration had an immediate effect of its presence and caused the death of the animal form. This created the immediate possibility of the newly vitalized soul bodies for the purpose that new physical bodies were taken for incarnation.
This occurred in the 3rd branch race of the third subrace of the 3rd rootrace. Lemuria is expressed as 3 3 3. - 21.6 million years ago. These souls were hermaphrodite (male and female), thus reproducing themselves without a mate. Over a 3 million year period, the physical body separated. The process was completed by the 5th subrace of Lemuria
Splitting of man into two sexes. Adam and Eve … The symbolic significance of eating of the Apple was the gaining of consciousness.
3.3 Start of Individualization: Great Approach by the Lords of Flame - 21.6 million years ago.
3.4 The seed of the coming Fourth Rootrace, Atlantis – 20 million
3.5 The coming of Hierarchy and the founding of Shamballa – 18.6 million
3.5 Sexual Separation and anchoring of mental impulse – 18.6 million
4.1 Physical place Headquarter for the Mysteries, Atlantis is born 17 million
Evolution: animals decreased in size, this included man. Man used to be 30 feet tall and has decreased over time to what it is now. Cyclops (an eye in the center instead of two eyes), Titans of old belonged to the 4th Atlantean rootrace. Written in the Hindu Puranas, the Greek Myths and Homer. They built the ancient structures like the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico and Peru.
There are more statues in different sizes, said to represent the sizes of the 5th root races of Atlantean Root Race. Science claims that animals decreased in size as time went by while claiming that man stayed the same size, when man was as tall as dinosaurs and were evolving smaller.